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~ Let There Be Peace On Earth ~
World Peace Day
January 1st, 2000

I look into the eyes of my children and see a sparkle, a glimmer of hope, hope for a future full of wonder. I see the world through their eyes. The eyes of children not yet corrupted by the mindless violence we see throughout the world today. A world where people are at peace with themselves and their neighbors; a place filled with happiness, kindness, and love. At first, I thought it was an impossible dream. But as I look into their eyes, I realized that now could be the right time for the impossible to happen.

Peace on earth will not come in a magical moment. Peace is a process and a way of life. It is a frame of mind, and it begins with each of us -- how we live our lives --how we act, the way we treat our families, our friends and our neighbors, and how we work out our problems.

Peace on earth begins when each of us tries to live a peaceful life. Peace on earth spreads when we share a message that peace is important in our lives and we want peace to be an important goal and value in our society.

I ask you and all those who read these words to look into the eyes of your children, your loved ones, and see that light of hope. Join me in making this dream, this vision of the future, a reality. With your help, peace can flourish throughout the world.

Angelic acts of kindness are not random occurrences... Angels are leading humanity towards a wonderful future of hope and promise... A time when peace on earth shall prevail.

"As they used to say
'What if they gave a war and nobody came?'
How worthwhile if they declared a day of peace
and everybody came."
-- Edward Asner

"For one day a miracle --
all hatred vanishes and all love, peace & harmony exists.
If we can do it for one day
let's pray to keep on doing it one day at a time for eternity."
--Robin Leach

"If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten
that we belong to each other."
--Mother Teresa

"Glory to God in the highest,
and on earth peace, good will toward men."
--The Angel of Bethlehem

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