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A royal wife in the harem of Ramesses III, plotted to kill him and put her son on the throne? The attempt failed.

Senemut, Hatchepsuts' possible lover and loyal servant secretly had over 60 images of himself concealed within her mortuary temple at Deir el-Bahri.

Workman at the same site, carved grafitti and cartoons showing the two of them in compromising positions.

Ancient Egyptians believed all of mans' emotions and thoughts were controlled by his heart. They had no idea what function the brain had, which is why it was removed from the body during mummification.

To test if a woman was pregnant, she would urinate every day on the grains of barley and emmerwheat. If they sprouted, she was pregnant.

If the barley sprouted first, it would be a boy, if the emmer did, it would be a girl.

Most Egyptians had worn teeth due to the sand content found in flour grinded on stone for their bread.

Senet was a popular board game of ancient Egyptians. It was symbolic of the passage of the dead through the underworld. The object was to move pieces around a board of 30 squares, avoiding various hazards and collecting blessings. The winner was the first to pass into the afterlife.

King Tutankhamens' tomb contained the mummified remains of 2 infants.

It was common for woman to breast feed their children for up to 3 years.

Ancient Egyptians produced the first Zodiac.

Most woman in ancient Egypt were iliterate.

Cleopatra was not Egyptian, she was Greek, the daughter of Ptolemy XII.

In ancient Egypt, lettuce was considered an aphrodisiac.

Mustaches were commonly worn by men during the Old Kingdom.

In ancient Egypt, silver was extremely rare and therfore considered much more valuable than gold.

The first King ever found lying in his own tomb, was King Amenhotep II. It was said that he was such a powerful man, no other could ever bend his bow. He was also buried with his bow beside him, broken in half. Perhaps to ensure no one ever did.

Although the famous bust of Nefertiti appears to be unfinished (missing an eye). Modern analysis has revealed minute traces of paint,therefore, it may have actually been completed and perfect when it was abandoned!

Instead of pillows, ancient Egyptians rested their cheek on a wooden headrest. The height of its supporting stand was customized to equal the widht of the owners' shoulder.

The Egyptians measured liquids in a series of graded jar sizes. The standard measurement was called a "hin" and contained approx. 18 fl. oz.

If you have any comments or would like to add some interesting facts to this page, please e-mail me from my home page.

I will be adding information regularly....Thank you... .