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Alyson Hannigan Ring

*Angel Fan Ring*

Angel Series Ring

Buffy Ring

*Buffy and Angel Forever Ring*

*Buffy and Angel: Victims of Love Ring*

*Buffy Under Fire Ring*

Dru's Dollies Ring

Forbidden Love (UCSR)

Guild of Giles Writers

*I Love Buffy Ring*

*Kit's BtVS Ring*

*Lore of the Slayer Ring*

*Natty's Ring*

*New Tuesday Ring*

*Ring of Angels*

*Ring of Slayers*

*Slayer's Lair Ring*

Spike and Buffy Ring

*Spike and Dru Fan Ring*

Unconventional ‘Shippers Ring

*Victims of Spike Ring*



Dream Weavers Web Writers Union

Fanfic 2000 Ring

Fanfic Archive Ring

*Fanfic Ring*

Gargfic Alliance

General Fanfic Ring

Highlander Fanfic Ring

Interactive Fanfic Ring



Ares Ring

Hercules Fanfic Ring

Hercules & Xena Ring

Tributes to Hudson Leick Ring



All Series Lovers Ring

As the World Falls Down (Labby Ring)

Imzadi Association

*Labyrinth Ring*

Lois & Clark Ring

Lois and Clark Fanfic Ring

*TV Fanfic Ring*



As You Wish (Princess Bride)

Circle of Fantasy Ring

Circle of Unicorns Ring

*Daughters of Darkness Ring*

Land of the Unicorns Ring

Mystical Places Ring


Star Trek

DS9 Ring

Enterprise-E Ring

Julian Bashir Ring

Locutus' Assimilation Ring

Star Trek Fanfic Ring

Star Trek Romance Fic Ring

Trek Ladies Ring

Ultimate Star Trek Fic Ring

United Federation of Trek Ring



