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  **[Aug 2005] This site has been abandoned and has moved to Look around here then check out the new site. You'll be amazed by how useless the information is.

This site has recently undergone some dramatic changes. I will try to provide you with as much useful content as I can, but remember 'useful' may not define itself the same for everyone.

[#] Lately I have become quite interested in astronomy and astronomical phenomenon, so sometime in the near future I will be archiving some of the information and images that I find most intriguing.

[Oct 30 2003] I just returned from serving for 2 years in a religious capacity. Expect to see some radical changes with the content and layout. I hope to get started soon with the face lift. In the mean time I'll be out looking for employment. College ain't cheap.

[Dec 3 2003] I just put up a new page. Photos of Louisiana.
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