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Wire report  Sunday, October 28, 1973

"INGLEWOOD, CALIFORNIA - Funeral services will be held Monday for Cleo Moore, the Louisiana-born actress who made stardom depicting "shady ladies' in Hollywood films of the 1950's.

The former actress, whose blonde hair and shapely figure gained national attention in the early and mid-50's through her films, died Thursday in southern California six days before her 45th birthday.  Cause of death was not disclosed.

She lived in California with her family and is survived by her husband, daughter, father, and three sisters.

Miss Moore, at age 15, was married in 1944 for six weeks to Palmer Long, son of U.S. Senator Huey Long, who also served before going to the Senate as Governor of Louisiana.  She wed her second husband, builder Herbert Heftler in 1961.

The Columbia Pictures actress made headlines a number of times during the 50s, as a result political ambitions and kissing stunts.  She launched a semi-serious, unsuccessful campaign for Governor of Louisiana in 1960.

In 1954 she made headlines when she and a television personality in Chicago staged a marathon 5 minute, 17 second kiss on his TV show.  The telecaster was fired after protests were made to the
station about the stunt.  The telecaster said the act was inspired by the censorship imposed on the length of kisses in movies.  The pair sat in separate chairs when they kissed.

In 1955 she and a New Orleans newspaper reporter repeated the stunt, claiming a new record with a 6.5 minute kiss.

Miss Moore, a native of Galvez, Louisiana was graduated from Gonzales High School.

She specialized in movie roles calling for slightly shady ladies, and she said she enjoyed doing these roles.  She starred in several prison pictures, including WOMEN'S PRISON, and her films include ON DANGEROUS GROUND, BAIT, GAMBLING HOUSE, THY NEIGHBOR'S WIFE, HOLD BACK TOMORROW, STRANGE FASCINATION, and ONE GIRL'S CONFESSION."

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