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About Me

Glynis Beal

*  AGE: 33
*  GENDER: Female
*  MARITAL STATUS: Seperated (Divorce in Process)
*  LIKES: My Children, Chat, Dancing, an occassional drink (never more than
*  WORK: I work for a large Convenience Store Chain. I work in the main
    office.   I also work part-time at Blimpies.

IRC'er of the week:   Giggles (1/24/99)

*  who is always happy and cheerful,
*  there for her friends when they need it,
*  looks out for the kids in trouble and helps them,
*  Giggles is one who in spite of any troubles in her own life, wants to have
    fun, enjoy life, and spread that good cheer with all of us.

To nominate an irc'er of the week, send who and why to

I'm not really Addicted (Cute!)


Copyright ©1999,
Glynis Beal, Steven Terrell, Sr. All rights Reserved.