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'...And what you show me is a haunted landscape,
a place where even the sky is unreliable,
a moon the colour of clotted cream, stars cold as pearls.
I walk through frosty moonlight,
palpable as gauze against my skin,
moving aside silver-webbed foliage,
white moles and snowy foxes scampering from beneath my feet,
while overhead immaculate ivory night birds
float every which way, forward, backward, sideways.
I'm surrounded by luminous forms that slip in and out of the milky mist,
evaporating and materializing again and again,
like double-faced wavery visions in a frosted mirror,
and my ears are filled with whispers, echoes, bursts of pure maniacal laughter.
Everything here,it seems, is flowing inward toward some common source,
and I know that in such a place,
secrets curl like thin white worms in the hearts of pale flowers
and refuse to lie quietly for long.'

Vibrations of Spiritus Tenebrae 'Temple of Anguis'

Quotes are taken from 'Moonblind'

To contact Saelok

Amethyst Glass

“I am the eldest born of unformed matter my soul is the gods,
who are the souls of eternity.”