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Tools are a very important part of our rituals. They are used to direct energy, and show our devotion to the Gods and Goddesses.

Athame' - An athame' is a sacred double edged blade, black handled knife. It is used for directing energy. It is a strong source of protection and should never be used by another person or for any reason other than spells and rituals.

Chalice - Any large, preferably silver, cup or goblet that may be consecrated and used.

Incense burner - There are two kinds of incense burners, one which is shaped similar to a bowl and one which is long and basically flat. Which one you use is up to you.

Pentagram - Before I explain what it is used for I feel I should cover one piece of information first. It does not mean we worship satan!! The pentagram we use is not an inverted one, it is right side up and in no way is it meant to be evil! Each corner represents something different: life or spirit, air, water, earth, and fire.