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Morgana's Biography

Merry Meet!
My real name is Bree, but all Pagan friends call me Morgana. Well, considering this is supposed to be a biography I suppose I should give out a few details as to who I am and how I ended up being Wiccan. As far as who I am goes, I live in New Orleans. I am a sophomore in college and I will be starting Charity school of Nursing next semester. I am going for a Registered Nursing degree majoring in surgical care and ER. I come from a very big (very Catholic) family. I love children and animals, and my favorite color is blue. I don't have any black cats as familiars, but I do have a black Labrador Retriever named Midnight. I was born on Yule, and called a miracle because my mother was supposed to be unable to have children. I am not single, but I won't disclose the name of my "significant other" over the net (he chooses to remain anonymous). Now to explain how I choose Wicca. Like I mentioned in the above paragraph, there is a very strict Catholic back ground in my family, or at least I thought there was. I was about 11 when I found out that my grandmother was Wiccan. It started out with me watching her practice and thinking that she could make things pop up out of thin air (fairy tale stage). Eventually she noticed how interested I was and started teaching me about the Wiccan Reed, the three fold law, how to make my own candles and herbs, how to write spells, and eventually how to create an altar. Well, I still went to the normal 12 years of religious school and became a confirmed Catholic (mostly for the sake of my mother). However, I never practiced Catholicism, it never felt right to me. I could never enjoy sitting in a church and listening to someone read out of a book while issuing orders to stand, sit, and kneel at unregular intervals. I am now a High Priestess, and have been practicing for many years (I won't say how many because I refus e to let people know how old I am ;-) ). I didn't plan on putting a page for other Wiccans up on the web, but I happened to run across some very slanderous and offensive material on the net and decided I was going to put up a page to help stop some of the slander and prejudice most of us deal with every day. Needless to say I started it immediately after reading two very offensive and very wrong articles about Wicca, and with the help of my friend, Cielidh, have gotten down the basics of the page. I plan on adding much more to it in the future, but until the semester break from college what is up now will have to do.