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This page is devoted to the days Wiccans hold sacred, why we celebrate it, and when it's celebrated. Despite the popular rumors Wiccans don't celebrate Sabbats by sacrificing things. We believe all life is sacred. Our holidays tend to revolve around nature, and all of the holidays are celebrated in a joyous fashion.

Beltane - It's celebrated on May 1 and is one of the most important festivals. It is observed by the maypole dances, bringing in the May, and jumping the cauldron for fertility. Couples wishing to conceive children will jump the cauldron together. Fertility of imagination is also invoked. This is a joyous day filled with happiness and laughter.

Candlemas - It's celebrated on February 2. It is the celebration of Spring. This is also called the celebration of lights. All of the flowers and leaves will arrive before spring turns into Beltane.

Lammas - It's celebrated August 1. It marks the end of summer and the begenning of spring. It is one of the four Greater Sabbats of Wicca. It occurs 1/4 of a year after Beltane.

Autumnal Equinox - It's celebrated 1/4 of the year after midsummer. It is one of the Lesser Sabbats. It occurs when the day and night are of equal duration. This is the date when the sun enters the sign of Libra.

Ostra - This is when spring is halfway through its journey from Candlemas to Beltane. The day and night are once again in perfect balance.

Samhain - All Hollows'Eve. It is the most magickal night of the year, Beltane's dark twin. It's the date of the Celtic New year. It's also the night when the veil that separates our world from the other world is at it's thinnest.

Summer Solstice - It's also one of the lesser Sabbats'. It occurs when the sun reaches the tropic of Cancer, and we have the longest day and shortest night of the year.

Yule - It's celebrated around December 21. It is the Winter Solstice, the longest night and shortest day of the year. On the longest night of the year springs the new spark of hope, the Light of the world.