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In Wicca herbs are used to represent certain things such as healing, protection, and love. They play an important part in our rituals and spells. I have some of my favorite herbs and their uses listed below. This list will be expanded soon.

Buckeye - Used for money, healing, and success.

Cherry Bark - Used for love and divination.

Damiana Leaf - Used for love, lust, and visions.

Dandelion Root - Used for divination, wishes, and calling spirits.

Eucalyptus - Used for healing and protection.

Mugwort - Used for strength, visions, protection, healing, and astral projection.

Nutmeg - Used for money, luck, healing, and fidelity.

Periwinkle - Used for love, host, money, and protection.

Rosemary Leaf - Used for protection, love, lust, exorcisim, purifications, and healing.