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Life Is Like A Doughnut

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The KrAzIe Test

Look!!!!!!!! Mr. Cool Red Dot can dance!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If the music stops and you want to hear it again just scroll down to the banner at the bottom and click the play button. And don't forget to sign the guestbook!

I plan to update some more soon, but don't hold your breath.

Hey!! My name is Stefanie and this is my page. Don't ask how I picked the name for the page cuz I'm not sure. But If you think about it, we are all kinda like doughnuts. There's the creme filled kind- soft on the outside and mooshy on the inside, the chocolate coated- those of us not among the caucasion group, sprinkled- Fun to be with but bad for your teeth, and the ever popular jelly-filled- fun on the ouside and even funner on the inside. Let me warn you. If you are offended by profanity, sexulally suggestive content, violence, and immaturity turn back now. Those who do enter, enter at your own risk.

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I would like to thank Richard for telling me how to make a web page day after day afer day. Believe it or not Richard, some of it sank in.

If you have any suggestions please e-mail me.
This ribbon gives me the right to say what I want so don't gripe at me.

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