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Reality Check Monthly Horoscopes

We would like to welcome you to our horoscope page! We offer this service so that you may see what direction you may be going in each month. Please keep in mind that nothing is written in stone, and that as with anything, these are all just possibilities. So, good luck in all your endeavors, have fun, and remember...We are the dreamers of the dreams.

The following horoscopes are for August 2000:


(March 19-April 19)

Early this month, stress can be grueling. You may find yourself working overtime. Applying yourself takes some effort. Be assured, however, that advancement now brings long lasting benefits. You are now able to better display your talented and energetic nature. Do not be hesitant to impulsively shine to new co-workers and friends with flashes of brilliance! Romance is stimulating and heart-warming now.


(April 20-May 20)

Territorial urges are strong. Your life will benefit from spontaneity and resourcefulness. Beware of business deals that are too good to be true at Full Moon. Demand proof. Mid-month brings conflict and temper. Be sure to have all the facts before you challenge the powers that be. Caution is advised around machinery and electrical gizmos. Fun loving hobbies and friends bring smiles.


(May 21-June21)

Expect specters from the past to reappear! Your life seems like a romantic comedy of sorts! Pets and children expect to be spoiled by you now! Personal relationships deepen. Home improvements and decor give great satisfaction. Sudden advancements in business are seen at New Moon. Your character and personality benefit from increased responsibility and confidence. Choose love.


(June 22-July 22)

Emotional turmoil comes to a screeching halt when you make a long overdue decision. Be careful how you develop the argument! Your philosophy of life is changing in positive ways. Career opportunities mirror a new approach to your creative power. Security comes through a drastic life change. Be eager to surround yourself with those who have a positive and progressive approach. Grow.


(July 23-Aug 22)

Eat frequently, step up your vitamins and live for cat naps! This is your month! Happy Solar Return, Leo! Expect to be busy! Travel can be joyous and others seem to be very open to friendship and camaraderie. Commitments in work and on social fronts take a welcome shift. Meetings and partings pervade this month for you. Liberation is seen! Enjoy your new found freedom. Spend conservatively.


(August 23-September 22)

Cleanse everything!!! It is a time to discard the old and organize the new. Love conflicts arise this month if your partner is not playful enough. Nip legal conflicts in the bud. Business enterprises go very well. You may very well be re-writing procedures or expounding on your new philosophies of life. Expect to take a trip to a distant land. Live free. Pursue happiness!


(September 23-October 23)

You will be dramatic in the way you are advertising, networking, exchanging ideas. Your wit and charm is contagious in this cycle. At New Moon, your social arena changes. Storm clouds will be gathering. Opinionated people turn you off. A surprise confrontation sees you pleased with yourself later. Life style and mood changes are frequent. Beware the cost of luxury! Sail smoothly this month.


(October 24-November 21)

You are sharp in negotiations early this month. You are sure of your bottom line. Remarkable people and opportunities appear in the marketplace. Take full advantage. Off with the old, on with the new, Scorpio. You need to be heard and share your ideas and provocative concepts with others. Passions run high - but lightning can flash in unexpected ways with the opposite sex. Watch yourself in the clinches!


(November 22-December 21)

Catch up on paperwork, Return messages, Be available. Partnerships and allies strengthen considerably at this time. It is almost too easy to make favorable first impressions now. At New Moon, conflict is likely to become explosive. Discussions even in business meetings may be too intense. Guard against theft and liars. Take a couple of days to regroup and relax with someone you love. Use insight.


(December 22-January 19)

You are creating a new form of stability. Happiness comes when your duties and your value system are in synch. Relationships flourish almost mystically. You may find yourself wondering where you have been! The balance between self-indulgence and self-control will be dramatically challenged. Make a realistic self-appraisal of your lifestyle. Try not to force your conclusions on others. Rest on your laurels.


(January 20-February18)

Personal independence and self-expression are peaking! Bursts of initiative and response to opportunity is seen. This is an excellent time to work in cooperation with authorities. The new order of your life will be pleasing you for 7 years to come. Drink freely and deeply from the cup of love and tenderness. Stimulating ideas and lifestyle changes are in open forum discussions with your partner. Intense times.


(February 19-March 20)

Enjoy exotic travel. Seek higher truth! You are challenges to be more mystical, cheerful and compassionate. Steer clear of clouded speculations. Beware of those who may drain you - as this is a time when deciding where you spend your time is all important. It is a wonderful time to make deeper contact with those who share your inspiration. Express yourself through positive action.

Have a great month!

Please use this horoscope for entertainment purposes only.

Copyright Reality Check 2000
