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THE NO SHOWS: Garage punk from the suburbs of New Orleans
Attention: Big thanks to Erick With a K and all of the great bands we played with at IndiepenDANCEfest, especially The Frames of Reference, who got us hooked up with that show. We had a blast. Theres alot of great music comming out of Lafayette, www.THE-K-IS-BLACK.COM, for more info on that. Also we recorded a D.I.Y. studio albulm, pick one up at any show or write us and well get one to ya, there only 5 bucks (or we'll just burn you a copy), Big thanks to Mike Meayaux at Groud Floor Productions. Don't listen to the 4 track home recordings at there very bad recordings, buy the CD. Be on the look out for that and for the Gutter Punk Chronicles, an independent film that were breifly in and should be on the sound track for.

Due to the fact that this is a web page not a term paper or legal document, it contains errors in spelling and grammer. Not to be viewed by english teachers or anyone elce who's into critiqueing web pages. Also it is necessary for you and your friends to learn thease simple dance steps before going any further because your friends don't dance and if your friends don't dance, there no friends of mine, Thank you

Here we are playing at the Temple of Becomming and at Underground Sounds.

Were the No Shows (formerly known as Animal's Chin), from Meraux, La. Were a noisy trio who's sound, well isn't as heavy as hard-core but isn't as cleaned up and happy as pop punk. With fun being our main objective, we have a silly, yet often serious side, our short, sloppy songs being mainly about growing up, politics, good times, and girls. We have only had twenty eight performances to date, They include, a talent show in Slidell, the grand opening of the cheesiest shop in Chalmette, an opening spot at Jimmy's (a friend of a friend's friend needed an opening act for his classic rock cover band), three private party's, we played the Nine Mile Point Muisc Compound on the West Bank with some metal bands(our strangest gig to date), a small show at Rebel Hall in Chalmette, Dellfest 99, an all day music event in Chalmette put on by Dellfold Entertainment and Nuts Can Surf, an in store show at Underground Sounds, a show at the Temple of Becomming, some of which will be in an independent film, a show that was shut down in two differant locations thanks to the efforts of the Metarie and St.Bernard police (the excessive noise charges have been droped), a show at the State Palace Theater with AAA, we played at Burmasters in Arabi six times, a show at Movie Picters,an all day event in Houma, put on by Twenty-7, with 5 other great bands, a Devil Doll's show at the Mermaid Lounge with Anartica Vs the World and the B-Movie Rats, who not only rock but who are also a great bunch of guys, a GG Allin tribute show at the Dixi with the Pallbearers, a One Eye Productions show at Cypress Hall, a show at the Dixie with Daisy and Fight the Goober, the Hi Ho lounge with Sun Valley Deth Trap 84, Bisbano's Cellar Bar, and Lafayette's Indiependancefest.

The line up goes as follows:


Dale - bass & backing vocals

Mike - guitar & vocals

Joey - drums & cymbals

There are a number of people we owe thanks to, so I hope to mention at least most of them in the following paragraph; here goes, Brian/One Eye Productions, Seman, Dying Breed, Three Piece White Meat, the Dixie Tavern, the Nine Mile Point Music Compound, Bring Your Own Tomatos, Rottenatomy, Fight the Goober, Nuts Can Surf, Bob, Sun Valley Deth Trap 84, Frames of Referance, Against All Authority, Twenty-7, Burmaster's/Kevin, Daisy,Envisage, Scott G./Gorilla Punch Productions, Fight the Goober,H.O.S., Antartica Vs. the World, Debra/Devil Dolls and Laura at Underground Sounds (R.I.P.) for giving us shows. Jeff, Nathen, and Bob who made our Animal's Chin demo possible (don't ask, not only was it not too good, were out), Cherie for the stickers, Ramone Z. for recording one of our demos, Brian D. for being a rodie in Slidell and for his help on "Typical American", Stinky & the Air Freshners (now B.Y.O.T.) for filling in for Whippersnapper at the last minute, Matt O. for his backing vocals at occasional practices and for helping us get our name out, Brad for letting mike use his amp at the "Temple", James for the autograph, Kristen for paying this webpage it's 1000th visit, Brian R./Dellfold Entertainment, for making a web page possible for someone as computer ignorant as myself & for making us part of the Dellfold Family (We had a great time at Dellfest), Dinnis Dylansnider/Dixie Chemicals for being a great land lord, Tim S. for the stickers and iron-on's, Keith F. for fliers, the banners, and help moving equiptmentoff BEAT Magazine for making us part of the Louisiana music directory, and our parents who have always been there for us (oh wait,can we say that and still be punk rock? ha ha) If you feel I left anyone out by mistake, it was no mistake, thanks for nothing, ha ha.

We would greatly appreciate any opening spots or compilation appearances, we could possibly get. Thanks.
--The No Shows


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Dellfold Entertainment


Design by MonkeyMan Webpages// ©1998-2003 Dellfold Entertainment and the No Shows

Places to go, People to see

Twenty-7, raw, snotty, pop punk, our Heros!
Nuts Can Surf, NCS for life!
Humidity Skateboard shop, if you don't buy your board from Humidity, it will fucking break!
Dellfold Entertainment, music you can't refuse
Skategeezer home page, Skateboarding-fun for all ages
LaPunx, Louisiana band directory and more, check it out
No Punks, our friend Jamiee's page, full of band links, music info and other fun stuff
Antartica Vs. The World, New Orleans Horror Punk
Devil Dolls Productions, Promoting the local music scene, for you!
Twice Born, Christian hard core from Houma that rocks!
One Eye Productions, cool band links and show info!
Autonomy-Resistance-Equality Records, great label and distribution from Lafayette
