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Hi Everyone... Some are you are friends that I have known for years and some I just met...You are all really good friends and you mean the world to me...I love you all and if I am not here working on the page you can find me at the beach.... ~S~ Go see my online friends
This is me...
jaws.jpg (45637 bytes)

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Here you can see more pics of me...You asked for it...~S~...
Most of you know that I am a chef... but you probably didn't know that I was also in the Air Force....
That's me on the far left the squad leader...

Here are some pictures of my family....

Click here to see...My kids... Just being kids
This is the group Jolaine,Tiffany(a sister we never knew until she was 20)Me, DJ,Brittany and Taylor..isn't that a gorgeous family?? ~S~

Here you can see more of my family

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Alexa's Place
My Favorite Places on the net...

Some of my Favorite things...

This is where I got addicted to Racing.... Go Rusty#2....

Mobile International Speedway