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What's New?
What has been added to The West Wing Resource in the year 2001.

Path: Home | What's New.

December 30, 2001-- New Things added. I have added a Forum, and a Logbook, in which you can view and sign. Also, I took down the timeline.

December 27, 2001-- New Page added. I have added a Timeline page of "The West Wing".

December 18, 2001-- Notice the new look? This is the look that I have been working on for two weeks now, and I am still adding to it. I hope you enjoy this look.

December 10, 2001-- No major changes. Just regular maintenance to the site. However, I do have something to say. "I am undergoing a redesign of this site, and I will be adding extras to the site, and I am thinking of making the changes viewable before January 1, 2002. But then again, I need to do more things to the site to make it look right with the new design, so maybe January 1, 2002 is convienent.

December 1, 2001-- Created New Pages on the upcoming campaign and election, you can go to those pages from the home page.

Novmeber 30, 2001-- I created the Frequently Asked Questions page and linked to it on the home page.

November 24, 2001-- I moved the "About the Series" link from the home page to the credits page, to make more sense.

November 23, 2001-- I created an episode guide, but mind you, this episode guide is like no other, it has all of the episodes aired since "The West Wing's" debut on September 22, 1999. It even includes the repeats and the episodes that were aired over the summer hiatuses.

November 20, 2001-- I have added characters in the profiles. I created Leo and Josh in the "Offices of the Chief of Staff", and the rest of the people in that section, so that section is done. I have also created the other main characters in the profiles so those are now viewable. We all know that Mrs. Landingham was killed in an accident, but I moved her (well actually didn't 'move' her) from the "Offices of the President of the United States" section and re-created her character on its own page. The link is in the "Offices of the President of the United States." Well it's Tuesday, 2 more days until Thanksgiving, and I wish everyone a very Happy Thanksgiving.

November 19, 2001-- I have made major updates to this site, and most of them in the Seasons 1, 2, and 3 pages. I have added a new image, got the 'Updates' up again, and still continuing to update this site.

November 17, 2001-- In the event of this site being 'hacked' and partly destroyed, I have managed to get everything back up, but not without hard work. It took me night hours to get this site back up similar to what it was before, I will be adding more things to this site, just give me time, and I will get them up. I am sorry for those who couldn't get on this site, on November 16, I was adjusting the site to its new look that it has now, and I will continue to add things. And for now, all of us can forget about the "Message Boards" for a while. Trust me, I have my reasons not to make the message board, but if you want to, you can send me an email commenting me on the site, asking questions about the site, and I will put a an 'FAQ' of your questions. The email address is on the home page. so just use that one and send me an email. Also, if you have any suggestions whatsoever, don't hesitate to send an email to me, check home page for email address. Thank you very much and enjoy the new look.

November 15, 2001-- Made some updates, notice them?

November 13, 2001-- Finally got the code up for both of the webrings I am a member of, one of them, I created myself, "All About 'The West Wing', is the one I created. The West Wing Web Ring, is the one that I was registered. So, if you want more 'West Wing' sites, those rings will have them!!!

November 12, 2001-- The Donna Moss character is up and running, and if you have any questions about Donna's previous and current boyfriends, just go to her character profile, and click on the question about her boyfriends!

November 10, 2001-- After scrambling around my computer, and trying to get this idea on my site, I finally got it up and running. What am I talking about? The Character Profiles of course! The 'White House Staff' is preferably what I was really refering too. I know, I looks like's characters site, but, I thought of this idea and had it on 'My Documents' on my computer since I seen the rerun of "A Proportional Response." (Don't think I'm saying she didn't come up with that idea herself, because that is exactly the OPPOSITE of what I was refering to. We are just two people who came up with the 'same' idea.) If the webmaster doesn't like this, she can email me her concerns. Also, I have created a photos page for those who absolutely love photographs.

November 4, 2001-- This site is undergoing a massive, (well maybe not THAT massive). change, I am going to add things to this site, that makes it a true resource! I have updated the index page, and is updating the other pages as well. I will be adding images to the character pages when I get those pages up. I am not working on any of the characters right now, but I will eventually get to that after the renovations are made to this site which will occur over the next week or so. You can still navigate around this site as usual, but if you find a page that looks or is different, don't worry, it has the same information and more information. So, I hope you enjoy the changes made throughout the week. I hope you enjoy the new look thus far. (Notice the links that were at the top of the page, have now been moved to the left side in that little table, under "Navigation"?)

November 3, 2001-- I have completely updated the website, including the alternations made to the home page. The alternations made on the home page did not break any links, or changed anything else, I just redone it to make it look cleaner, and more professional. Hope you enjoy the changes.

November 2, 2001-- The NY Times Magazine has just published an article about Aaron Sorkin. NY Times Magazine article on Aaron Sorkin. This might be available at this link for only 30 days

A special note: As a result of the changes made to the character profiles, I am afraid that the character of Donna Moss is not linked to on any of the pages in the new Character Profiles, I will get to that when "The White House Staff" section is finally linkable to. I have finish with "The First Family". I have began working with the Staff, and hopefully get them up with in the next two weeks. Just thought you would want to know.

October 30, 2001-- Updated the home page, put up a new image at the top, still working on the "White House Staff" character profiles, those will take a while, so for right now, I would recommend the character guides at, or Continuity Guide to The West Wing. Take a look at those character guides there and if you want send me an email with suggestions how to do my character profiles, I may consider them. My email is on the home page.

October 28, 2001-- I created the profile of The First Lady, Abbey Bartlet. I still have to make the links to the episode of which the information was obtained from, I will do that shortly.

October 27, 2001-- I created the profile of President Josiah Bartlet, and created a link to him in the "Character Profiles. Oh and notice the changes to the Character Profiles?

October 23, 2001-- The "What's New" Page was created

October 21, 2001-- Donna Moss character created in the character profiles.

October 20, 2001-- I created a bunch of stuff all day today. Here is what I created and added to the home page:

The Character Profile
The Resource Newsroom
About the Series
Further Information

These links are located on the homepage at the top, and they are very useful.

October 19, 2001-- The Recent / Upcoming Episodes were created, for the convenience of those who want to know the round up of the episodes.

October 18, 2001-- The Episode Guide was created for all of the Season of the show, Seasons 1, 2, and 3. Also, I added the Political Platforms, and the Political Test to the home page.

October 17, 2001-- The Season 3 Episodes were created and went public, and the guide for Season 3.

October 16, 2001-- The Season 2 Episodes were created and went public, and the guide for Season 2.

October 15, 2001-- The Season 1 Episodes were created and went public, and the guide for Season 1.

October 14, 2001-- "The West Wing Resource" went public.