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Whats New?

Well... I think I am going to start keeping a log of all that I add!

November the 24th longtime no new music! lol... New music is here!!!!! for the time being till next time then! later

March the 18th-
Started to transfer to a "frame" version so it looks better. Hope everyone likes it! Spent HOURS on it!-)
Copied some music and added to the POP place with some cool lil' songs that I like... And I can't wait to finish with this frame thing! It is really annoying. But should have started with it in the beginning.
Added a pic of me and my mom and some of my peeps.
Put some "marching" Music on here! Yay for me! LoL!
Oh yeah! I figured out how to keep the music smaller when I post it! So all of the "new" music is smaller and ready to print and manipulate!
Added some new JAZZ music too! Sweeeeeetttt!-)

Projected time of Frame completion