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Sunlight beating on a desert, heating it up to an unbearable burning tempature. Suddenly, a flash, hot air, a
flame. Where there once was a sorry-looking little bush, there is now only ash. A little ways away, the sand
has been disturbed, a break in the pattern designed by the wind. A loud caw from the sky seeks your ear.
What was it? A quick look turns in a a daft stare. A creature of legends and myths. Graceful in flight, it's
dark red scales and bright green cat-eyes glisten. The black claws, the sharp canine silver teeth are rather
intimidating. Very so in fact. Bat-like wings beat, holding up the slim vicious body. A narrow tail lashes
as the creature lands. Rising on it's hind legs, it's fully 7 feet tall. Then it dives, heading down through
the hot sand, spraying the burning, whipping substance like dust.

Dragondust Estate - inspired by legendary beings and the terrain where our equines originated.
The desert horse. The Arabian.

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