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My Home Page

Welcome to my life! I'm a 36 year old Mom to two terrific boys. I've been married for 14 years and have lived in Kentucky all of my life. At the moment I feel a kinship to Dr. Doolittle. I have 2 cats, 2 kittens (compliments of the two cats), 1 dog and 3 puppies (that I am handraising). Hopefully pretty soon, after finding homes for the kittens and puppies, I will be back to just the 2 cats and 1 dog. I have links at the bottom of this page and are ones that I really like and some my boys like. Check them out, I will be adding more asap.

Life is funny sometimes and takes all kinds of different twists and turns but I wouldn't change any of it for the world.

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Links And More Links

My journal
Eastbay online store (Great deals)
Country Tidbits by Shaunagh
Shop Goodwill site (have found some neat things such as antiques)
Games for kids (really neat page)
Kid's Science Page
Squigly's Playhouse (place for kids)