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I love Atlanta. I lived there six months and I'll tell you a little about it.
First, leave the car at the motel, you won't need it (unless you want to get lost!) Take MARTA! They have an excellent bus/subway system (yes, we have subways in the South!) in Atlanta, it's new and very modern! I just love it!

The first thing that I would do is check with the hotel's concierge about a bus pass for the day or week. I always do that, saves time and money in the long run.
The next thing is sight seeing. I would take in the birthplace of Dr. Martin L. King. Go to subway and head to Five-points (not Little-5-points, will explain later) Find Alabama St., (ask anyone at the information booth) wait for the bus on the opposite side of the street. Take the #3 bus, Auburn St. Tell the driver that you want to go to the King Center. You will arrive at the King Center, now go across the street to the Fire Station Museum. This is where the tours of Dr. King's birthplace start, unless it has changed since I was there in 1997. The tour involves climbing stairs, tell the ranger if you can't do stairs, and he will let you out on the 1st floor, as the tour progresses. You can't stay on the 1st floor - you have to exit the tour, so don't ask! The ranger goes up the stairs and to the actual room where Dr. King was born. The stairs are too bad, but if you can't take them, as the ranger to let you out. (There is no place to sit down on the tour either). Most of the furnishing in the home are original. It's a very good tour. From the tour, which takes about an hour, I would go to the Ebenezer Baptist Church.
Both Dr. King's maternal grandfather and his father were Sr. Pastors here at this church. His mother was also murdered in the sanctuary. It is very interesting. (Check with the park rangers about whether or not Ebenezer Baptist Church is open. They were renovating, and may not be opened). Next, across the street, check out the NPS Visitor's Center. The exhibit, "Freedom Road" is a "MUST SEE" before you leave the area.
It's about lunch time. Try out "The Beautiful" cafe. It's across the street from the church. Try the oxtail if you want the flavor of the neigborhood (it is greasy, though). A little further down in that block, is Churches Fried Chicken. If you want to stay in the area, ask the rangers about restaurants around the park.

Little 5 Points

Little Five Points is an area of quaint little shops. There are a few restaurants up there.
You can take the Auburn Ave bus, this goes directly goes to Little Five Points. Catch is at the King Center stop! You can find out more information from your hotel's conciege.
If you want something else, say more fancy (I'd save that till dinner) take a bus (the bus stop accross the street from The Beautiful) and go back to Five Points, the bus will stop right along side the terminal. Go into the terminal, and follow the signs to Atlanta Underground.

FIVE POINTS! UNDERGROUND ATLANTA! You don't want to miss this. This place is fascinating! There is a little history to Five Points and the Underground, but I won't go into that.
This is a great place for just brousing around. All of the streets underground parellel with the streets above. There are many shops and restaurants. My favorite restaurant at Five Points is "Lombardi's". (Of course, I love Italian food.) There are all types of food in "the Underground"! Fast food or "sit down" dinners. Look it over first!
After lunch in the Underground, you might want to take a tour of Coca Cola, and learn something about that beverage. It's on the street level, just follow the signs. While in the Five Points area, you might want to see the "CNN" headquarters. Ask someone (preferably someone who works in the Underground) where it is.
The tour cost $7.00. I never went, I heard from someone that it wasn't worth the money. (I've seen a TV studio upfront and personal, so it doesn't appeal to me! But everyone to their own taste. It's within walking distance of the underground.
Another good place to eat is "The Varisity". A lot of celebrities have eaten there. Best way to get there is go to the subway (get to use that MARTA pass, again). Get off at the North Station, go up the escalator. Look towards Peachtree St. (Across from the bank building) look down the street, and you will see "The Varsity". Believe it or not, this place is World Fameous!!

If you have several days in Atlanta, I go later. I would go and see the Carter Presidental Library, first. I think it is more interesting. (You can take your car, but the bus is easier, and you see a little bit of "regular Atlanta") Go to Five Points and take the 15 Noble St. Bus. You'll catch it in the same place you the #3 Auburn Ave. bus, on Alabama St. It will take you directly to the library, ask the driver to let you off at the Carter Libary. (Be sure to see the exhibit on the dresses of the 1st Ladies, if they still have it. I found it most interesting).
Another place I would visit in Atlanta is the Cyclorama. It's a Civil War museum and more. It's in Grant Park. I would save this to day two, the Atlanta Zoo is also in Grant Park. The cost is $5.00 for the Cyclorama. Ask about the zoo. You can take a bus there too!

Evening In Atlanta!

I would start the evening off with dinner. If you didn't go to Lombardi's for lunch, try it now. It you did, then run back to your hotel and pick up your car. Ask your concierge for directions or a map to "The Abby".(You can take MARTA - go to North End station, you've been there once - ask the bus driver if he goes near "The Abby", you have to walk a block or two.) You are in for a real treat. I'll just say "The Abby" was once a church, and the waiters are very interesting. (The late actor Carrol O'Connor used to patronize "The Abby" whenever he was in town). That's all I'll say, you can find the rest on your own!
The rest of the evening is yours.

Other things to See in Atlanta! Check with Yahoo!


Send me an email if you have any suggestions!