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Panda Kit Kat

PERSONAL UPDATE: July 22, 2003

WOW!! This may seem like forever!!! Wel it really has been. LOL!! Sorry about such a huge ass delay in updates, but me and Steph have been terribly busy. We have been extremely busy trying to graduate and plus not to mention the demand for us to work and make our asses some money!!! And me, I have a huge ass excuse, my computer crashed and I just now got a lap top until I figure what's going on with my computer. And guess what, all of my stories and all of my new chapters were on there!!! I know I know, you must think that I've lost everything, but thanks to ZIP drive I have everything saved on it. Trust me, I've written alot before my computer went capooy!!! LOL!! I don't even know if I spelled that write. But I promise that updates will be coming very soon. But please be patient with us. And remember that just because the Backstreet Boys dissapeared doesn't mean that our imagination have. We'll keep in touch, promise. And please continue to keep in touch with us. We want to know your opinions on what we've wrote. Later!!! ~Theresa


On with the business. We do not know or live by any of the Backstreet Boys, their management, dancers, dogs, girlfriends or wifes...we just write this stuff for our pure enjoyment and cause we like to express what's going on in our crazy ass minds.

* Warning *

This site contains adult material and we'd advise that you read with caution. Ok, so if anybody doesn't like reading things like this then why are you here?? He..he...just joking, the only thing I can say is turn back while you still can!!!!!!

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*~*Panda's Stories*~*
*~*Kit Kat's Stories*~*