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Ladies and Gentlemen

It feels so good to be back...Let tha fuckin truphets blow.

Mic Check....One, Two, One, Two.

Wow...first match and they already got me taking out the trash of the fed.

Neo vs Detrick Scott
Prove Yourself

Neo looked like he was on his way, but then dropped back down in the rankings. Now he must prove himself against IW rookie Detrick Scott.

Hello Boys and girls, my name is Detrick Scott and I am your Prince of Corruption. You all are in for a treat May the 22nd, because I get to  Empty The Caucasian Trash.I really can't complain, because I figured it's a easy win to begin my undefeated process.

No really...he isn't a threat to me. I haven't really heard of this guy but based on the fact that he named himself after a movie character is really, well...cheesy. Now momma always said "Never judge a book by it's cover" but I've done some research and well I came up with what he is...a big slice of NOTHING.

I mean even the streets says so...check it.

...The streets...

Detrick: Sir! Sir! Have you heard of Neo?

Guy #1: Neo...from IW?

Detrick: Yes.

Guy #1: Yea I have...he's the biggest [ voice over ] loser I've ever saw that wrestled in IW...Your going to kick his ass Detrick Scott, and I love you man.


See, I told you so.


What you don't believe me? Well, I have a old projected film on you titled "The Neo We Never Knew"

...Roll Footage...

The Neo We Never Knew
Old Black Guy: Hello and welcome to "The Neo We Never Knew". During the next 20 seconds you'll meet the entire life story about a man known to himself as "Neo".

March 30, 1982
Neo's Mom: I can't afford the abortion, so I'm going to have to keep him.

December 30, 1982
Doctor: Congratulations, it's a girl.

Mom: What? You said it was suppose to be a boy.

June 1st, 1992
Principal: I'm sorry Mom..but your son will have to repeat the 1st grade.

Mom: But he's 10 years old! (crying)

May 22nd, 2005
IW Color Commentator 1: 1-2-3! Detrick Scott just defeated Neo in 2 seconds.

IW Color Commentator 2: Neo...pack up and go home unless you WANT to be a stepping stone for everybody else career.

IW Color Commentator 1: Would it matter? he's a nobody anyway.

Old Black Guy: Now you've meet...Neo. I've just been paid $500 for absolutely nothing. Thanks Neo, I'm paid, I'm paid, I'm paid in the shade. Kiss the rings bitch. (Breakdances)

...end footage...

Now you believe me? Damn!


Oh now I'm mean because I talked about poor little neo, hey...suck it up, grow some balls and enjoy the barrowed time...pussy.


{Chapter 1: The Re-Introduction Part One: Strange Day}

{Man it's been a long ass time since I've been away. Four months to be exact...same crib, same car, same girl, same right hand nigga. We all just chillin, I'm drinking some orange juice since I've gave up not only drinking, but smoking as well. We watching some Martin...classic shit.} Gina: Baby when did that puppy get here?

Martin & Detrick: Gina....That ain't no damn puppy it's a RAT!

{Martin elbow drops the rat as I start to laugh, Kendra gives me the disgusted look and Marv just falls asleep on the damn couch.}

Detrick: Ya'll punks just don't know quality television when you see it.

Kendra: Detrick, you seen this damn episode like Twenty times...get over it.

...Flashback 4 months ago....

Gina: Baby when did that puppy get here?

Martin & Detrick: Gina....That ain't no damn puppy it's a RAT!

...Current Time...



Kendra: Whatever, you just mad because we all got rid of Martin and you didn't...let's watch some American Idol.

Detrick: Da fuck is American Idol?

...Some black dude sings "Signs of Love Making By: Tyrese"...

[Simon]: Worse Performance ever, If I wanted such a horrible performance, I would have called that stupid nigger myself. Piss off coon.


...The Black dude jumps over the judge table and stomps out Simon...'s uh...Change the channel.

Detrick: Jerry Springer still comes on?


...2 old folks are just sittin there...

Old Man : Jerry...nobody kisses my female cousin but me.


...They Begin to Kiss, and Detrick runs to the bathroom...

...After 5 minutes of vomiting...

Detrick: Slapping the shit out of Marv before saying... Wake the fuck up...we going to Wendy's.

Marv: Do I get what I want this time?

Detrick: Now Marv...remember the last time when I got you that spicy chicken burger?

...Last Week...

Marv: In A Baby Outfit deetwrick, can I gets the spyice shicken?

Detrick: Now Marv...remember the last time when I got you that frosty?

...Last Week, but 5 minutes later...

Marv:In a baby seat Ay Detrick, if you don't get me that frosty, I'm telling mom.

...snap back into current time...

Marv: Wait...what are you talking about? I never wasn't in a baby outfit...or a car seat, and so what if I cried when I ate the spicy chicken. It was hot and burned my tongue.

{Marv starts to cry on my shoulder...I just look down at him and head towards the car. "Just a Moment" By: Nas ft. Quan bangs in my stereo, as Kendra gets inside. From the side the sort of looks like Wolverine from X-Men...back to the narrating. We go through the drive through since Kendra's "My hair ain't done" blah blah. (:-\).

    Kendra's Order:
      Number 1-6
        Total? $20...Get your hand out my pocket! your not even carrying my child.

      Detrick's Order:
        Two Double Stacks, Medium Fries, Biggie Drink (Sprite...of course)
          Total? $4.26...My problems.

        Marv's Order:
          5 piece nuggets, small fry, complementary water.
            Total? $2.12...Little man can eat! Negro Damn!

{Anyway...We drive home, on the way there some hobo jumps on top of my car.}

Everybody except hobo: AHHHHHHHH!

Hobo: Wash your windows?

Marv: Oh shit...He speaks!

Kendra: Detrick get him off the car!

Detrick: Cracker get the fuck off my car!

{I turn on the windshield wipers and nothing happens...Marv starts to cry...16 years old and he's crying!?! I swerve left to right, then hit the breaks...he action rolls off the car then lays there.}

Kendra: Oh My God...Detrick I think you killed him.

Detrick: I KILLED HIM?! What do you mean I Killed Him?! That crazy homeless dude was on my damn windshield mirror talking about some "Wash your windows." ...Marv go out there and see if he's okay.

Kendra: Detrick you go do it.

{Why is she always asking me to do I see why Marv is so scary. I open the door and out of nowhere falls a Mortal Kombat II Arcade System right on top of the hobo.}

Everybody: ..........

{What the hell? I just shake my head, Marv and Kendra cover's there mouth and I keep driving...this was a fucked up ass day.}

...Can we please have a moment of silence for the fallen hobo...

Note: 1 hobo was harmed during the making of this promo.

OOC: It's been a while...shit....give me some time, like another RP.