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Welcome To Grave Yard County..

We Pride Ourselfs on Having

The best Court System Money Can Buy..

If You Can Afford It........

                                     Hi Im gona be your guide....
                                       Just call me Your Honor 
                               ( even though I dont have any personally.)

                            The Names have been changed to protect the GUILTY

I am going to be called Your Honor anyway you see, my compitition is a drug addict and my best friend is the "Big Judge" here in this here county.

And Dont Worry bout any of us gittin in trouble,

The atorney General Knows, but he will help

Cover it up...hes a lawyer you know.


                     Yea, I got it made, I was a big shot lawyer up in the big city,
                          but my "habits" cost me my job as well as my marriage.
             But thats ok, I lost my "Ticket" to be a lawyer fur a while cus I didnt do my job 
             ( and that thing about my sexual habbits was ....well they couldnt prove it you know. )

                    I guess if they had known about it they wouldnt have let me be a 
                    janitor till I got my licence back. And those dumb parents really
                 would have had a fit about me bein around the kids if they knew my past.

            Look at it this way, you might want to hire me one day, I give discounts if your
            wife is easy and cheap. And dont worry about me using a fake address in the election
            I'm going to quit using my mom's as soon as I find some stupid broad to live with here 
            like I have in that larger city near the river ( you see thats where I was living when
                     the dumb people voted for me. I know its against the rules, but the
                           rules were made for you people, not me. )

                         Now The rest of my pages are going to be about Crroked lawyers,
                         judges and even cop's. That should take the spotlight off me.
                         And dont worry. I have eight more mirrored sites to this one 
                         if it gets taken down. So the Truth will come out soon.

                            Keep watchin, the rest of the links will be here soon.

Our Judges