Kentucky Comets 10 & Under Fastpitch Softball
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Kentucky Comets Fastpitch Softball

2003 Roster
2003 Schedule
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2003 Sponsors
2003 News

Welcome to the Kentucky Comets website. The Comets are holding try-outs for their 10 & under and 12 & under traveling summer team. Try-outs will be Sunday Sept. 14 and Sunday Sept. 21, from 5 pm - 7 pm at Simon Kenton High School. If interested please feel free to come or email for more information.

Comet players, coaches, and parents are team oriented and LOVE the game of softball. We have fun and enjoy the sport and our players will learn self discipline along the way. The goals of the Coaches is to teach the girls the fundamentals of the sport and prepare them for high school level softball. The coaching staff encourages multiple sports and will work with their schedules.

Our goal is to provide a fun environment as well as the fundamentals and skills of fastpitch softball.

Heads Up Softball!

  1. Take responsibility for your thoughts and actions
  2. Be on a mission; Know why you play softball,What character traits you want to posess and what you want to accomplish in the game.
  3. Play one pitch at a time; confident and focused on each pitch as it is played with disregard for past or future pitches.
  4. Make your daily actions consistent with your mission.
  5. realize that you cannot control what happens around you but you can control your response to it, and that you be in control of yourself before you can control your performance.
  6. Develop your mental skills so you constantly perform near the best of your ability and you have "something to go to" when adversity strikes.
  7. Practice what you are going to do in the game
  8. Focus on the process of playing the game rather than the outcomes of your performance
  9. Learn each day
  10. Keep it simple!

To succeed as a player, as a leader, as a team, you've got to be committed... You've got to be willing to pay the price of success... that's a great big chunk of what teamwork is all about: commitment. Being committed to each other. Being committed to winning. Being committed to a dream. Commitment makes it happen.

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