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PHOTOS (coming soon)




Hello, welcome to my page. Man I just seem so lazy these days lol, and I don't make very good pictures of myself, but those are two of the best new ones i have. ^_^ I havn't really don't anything on this pages in months and months, probably, thought I didn't have time to reserve my spot here on the net anymore eh. Well here I am again and hopfully I will update this thing once and a while.

Well the past few months have been hell on me, my grandma passed away after the doctors in Lexington kept putting her off for surgrey, and let ganegreen build up in her body on March 6 2003 at 9:40 am, those basturds, I hope they are happy with what they did, because if I ever see them again I will let the assholes know what they let happen. Then the hotel changed managers and now it is like going to hell everyday to work, because they are pushing the workers who have been there for a long time out, but they won't fire us because they are afaird of paying unemployment, Well I wish they would get over it and stop bitching and complaining over the money. If they was not so damn tight with money. Oh well there is nothing I can do, but I am seeking a new job, and I have put in some apps at a few, I mean the few places here in town. I wouldn't mind traveling, but with the price of gas now a days, I would not be able to afford that.

Some good news, I have gotten back in contact with my mom, I am glad about that, she was there with me when my grandma died, thanks mom, I love ya. And I'll talk to you soon. My sister had a baby, she named it Christian Ray. Can't wait to see the pictures of him.