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Page 11 the end of our Adventures

 We are at the end and wrapping this up!


Apron from Nino's restaurant covered with uniform patches from Law Enforcement and rescue personnel who worked at Ground Zero. 

One of the Patches on the Apron from Nino's restaurant.  


Helmet used by a New York State Trooper and his dog at Ground Zero. 

Harness used by a New York State Trooper and his dog at Ground Zero.

Flashlight used by a New York State Trooper and his dog at Ground Zero. 




Hat worn by a New York State Trooper and his dog at Ground Zero. 

Bull horn used by President George W. Bush to speak to the recovery crews at the World Trade Center site, September 14,2001    

Cap worn by Mayor Rudolph Giuliani during his visits to Ground Zero. 

The cell phone used by Mayor Rudolph Giuliani in the aftermath of September 11, 2001.


This is the American Flag and was draped over the Damaged Portion of the Pentagon after it was attacked.  



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