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We're Expecting....Again!

We're Expecting...Again!

On May 7th, 2006 I got a funny suspision that I might be pregnant. Well, the sickening nausea was a big clue. My sister, Brandon & I had decided to go to Lufkin to shop, so while we were out, I stopped for a home pregnancy test. To my suprise, it was negative. But deep down, I knew something was different about my body.

So several days later, on the 10th, I tested again. Once again, after only watching a minute or two, I threw the test away due to an "obvious" negative response. My frustration got worse, because I was still having horrible nausea, and constantly gagged at air! Determined to proove my suspisions as being true, I asked Brandon to bring home one more kit. The next morning, at about 7:30, I got up to take care of Kyler and see my sweetie off to work. Before laying back down, I took one more test since they say testing first thing in the morning is best. Groggy and half awake, I looked long enough to see the urnine pass thru the windows leaving only one line...or so I thought!

By this point, my mind started focusing on the chance of an ectopic pregnancy. I had read that these pregnancies located outside of the uterus, would test negatively, although you're body is actually pregnant. After saying a quick little prayer, asking that everything would be okay, I drifted back to sleep for two more hours. When I woke up, I went to go use the bathroom before getting Kyler up to play. I glanced at the test I left on the counter when I walked in, and noticed two lines this time! I literally did a double take, and when I realized it was positive, I grabbed the test from the day before and looked to find a very light second line as well! Later that day, after telling everyone our news, I took one more test, because I wanted to watch the line appear with my own eyes. A lot of different emotions ran thru our heads as Brandon and I watched that unforgettable purple line appear for the second time!

Lilypie Baby PicLilypie Baby Ticker
Based on the January 22, 2006 estimated due date.

Girl or Boy?

Chinese Gender Prediction Chart

As legend would have it, the Chinese Gender Chart was buried in a royal tomb over 700 years ago. Recently discovered, the chart has been used to predict the gender of an unborn child based on the mother's age and month of conception.

Simply find the age of the mother at the time of conception on the chart below and then follow across to the month the baby was conceived to find the predicted gender. Although this chart is said to have a success rate of over 90 percent, keep in mind that this is solely for entertainment purposes. Enjoy!

Old Wive's Tales
These are some cute ol' wive's tales I found that people "swear by". I just think they're neat, and leave the believing them up to you.

~ The Ring Test ~

Tie a string to the mom-to-be's wedding ring, and hang over pregnant belly.
If it swings side to side, this indicates a girl. If it circles, you're having a boy!
Result:Side to Side!

~ The Palm Test ~

Ask a pregnant woman to stick out her hand.
Palm up is a girl, and palm down is a boy. If they stick out both hands: twins!

Result:Palm up!


Our Baby Name Top Contenders

Natalie Nichole
Madison Nichole

____ Carr

Although we've discussed names like crazy, we haven't been able to pick out a boy's name.
We have an idea for the middle name, but we're having major trouble with the first name, which is considered by us to be the most important.

We're interested in a unique yet sensible name for both genders.
If you're interested and wouldn't mind sharing your ideas, please feel free to leave your suggestion(s) below, or, vote for your favorite contender.
Thanks in advance and have fun! Who knows? We may love it and use it!

Suggestion Box

Your Name
Baby Name

pregnancy calendar
Last update: June 30, 2005 @ 13:32
Next prenatal visit: July 13, 2005

Albums & Other Links

My Ultrasounds
Little Man's Page
Bringing Up Baby:Our Style
