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08/14/2004 07:29 PM -0400



The Islamic Center Of Eastern Kentucky


The Islamic year is 1425 ,

Here is some month in Arabic :

Muharam , Safar , Rabi3 I , Rabi3 II , Jumada I , Jumada II , Rajab , Sha3ban , Ramadan al moubarak , Shawal , Di alki3da Di lhija


It is an Islamic center That has a mosque in it where Muslims can pray and meet , we have a school for Muslims kids ,if you are interested to visit us contact us at


Phone : 606-889-9594

Website : font>

located at 191 Masjid avenue Prestonsburg


what is Ramadan

 Ramadan is when Muslims  fast from sunshine to sunset that means they don't eat or drink all day time. That is how it happen first they wake up at dawn and eat until they are full. Then they pray the fajar.  Then they read the Holly Koran. Some people stay continuing and some people sleep. So when it is sunset you can eat but after you eat you have to say a duaa" duaa means a saying that the profit Muhammad say then you drink water and eat dates.


Web Site Designed by Asaad Khattab 2004

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