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The most important of the Greek river gods.


"River of Woe". Greek river god of one of the five rivers of Hades.


Greek mountain deity worshipped in Phrygia, Troy and Thrace -- and later in Greece proper. An avenging goddess of righteousness.


Greek god of storms and winds. He is best known from Homer's Odyssey, where he lives on the floating island of Aeolia (Lipari), and gives Odysseus a bag containing all the unfavourable winds. He was regarded as human in Homer's time, but was later elevated to the status of a god.


Greek god of light. One of the primordial cosmic deities, a personification of the upper sky.


Greek god of the underworld and judge of the dead. Aeacos was one of the three judges of the souls of the dead in the underworld.


The Greek goddess of truth.


Greek river god.


Greek goddess of the sea, wife of Poseidon.


Greek goddess of fate and necessity.


Greek god of passion.


Goddess of passion and sexual love. She was the goddess of love and beauty. She was irresistible to all alike and any one seeing her was almost always astonished at her beauty. The myrtle was her tree and the dove was her bird. Also, sometimes the sparrow and the swan were also considered sacred to her. (Click Name Above To View More Info)


Greek god who personified youthful masculinity. A god of many roles, including prophecy, music, medicine and hunting. Despite being the most widely worshipped of the Greek gods, he was considered remote from human affairs. Laurel was sacred to Apollo. In Greek art, Apollo was depicted as a beardless youth, bearing a lyre, or equipped as a hunter with bow and arrow. He was the master musician who delighted all of the gods on Mt. Olympus. He was also the god of the bow and archery and the god of healing. He was also the god of light not sun, for that is the god called Helios. He was also the god of truth for no untrue word ever came from his mouth. His tree was the laurel tree and his chief animals that were sacred to him were the dolphin and the crow.


Ares was depicted wearing typical military cloths and armour. He was the God of War, and, unlike Athena, represented the more brute strength part of war. He has been represented in many different ways, from a coward, to a brave heroic figure. He was not a big figure in mythology and is mostly seen as a symbol of war. His bird was the vulture, which fitted him quite nicely. It is also said that the dog was his animal.


Greek goddess of justice.


Greek nymph who originated as a vegetation goddess in Minoan Crete.


Greek pastoral deity, protector of herdsmen and hunters, originator of the cultivation of bees.


Her twin brother is Apollo. Nature goddess and goddess of the hunt. Virgin goddess and goddess of chastity. Animals are sacred to her, especially the deer. Greek goddess of wild animals and of the hunt. Although she was noted for her chastity, she was also regarded as a goddess of vegetation (particularly wild vegetation) and childbirth. She was also the goddess of the moon as her brother was the god of light. She was believed to dwell in wild places, accompanied by a retinue of nymphs. Artemis was noted as a terrible adversary when angered, symbolic of the sudden and capricious fury of nature. It was as a goddess of women's life in general that Artemis acquired her seemingly contradictory role as a goddess of fertility and childbirth. Artemis was depicted as a young woman bearing bow and arrow, often accompanied by a stag or a hunting dog. Her lunar aspect was sometimes signified by a torch carried in the hand. Artemis was the leader hunter to the gods which was a odd position for a woman. She was a protector of the youth being a good hunter. She was at times very kind and sweet like all of the gods and goddesses could be, but at times she would get very angry and hateful, especially if someone killed a dear in her sacred grounds or, even at times if someone killed just for sport. The cypress was sacred to her as were all animals, but of all the animals, the deer was most loved by her. (Click Name Above to View More Info)


Greek god of healing and patron deity of physicians. Asklepios was generally depicted as a bearded man wearing a robe that leaves his breast uncovered. His attribute is a staff with a snake coiled about it. (The staff used today as a symbol of the medical profession is actually the winged caduceus of Hermes.)


Greek goddess of evil and misfortune. Ate is the embodiment of folly, moral blindness, infatuation, and mischief.


Goddess of the city and agriculture. She is the embodiment of wisdom (Grey eyed goddess). The owl, associated with wisdom, is her bird. She is also a virgin goddess. Greek goddess of wisdom and tutelary goddess of Athens. Also a goddess of war, peace and agriculture. In contrast to some of the other Greek gods, many of whom were famed for their rash and often ignoble acts, Athena was noted for her self-control and for many instances in which she aided human beings in their endeavours. Also, in contrast to the reckless passions of the other gods, Athena remained a virgin throughout her life, forming no romantic attachments. She was referred to as Pallas Athene in her capacity as a protective goddess. Her icon, the palladium, was believed to protect the city from harm. In addition to the olive, Athena's gifts to humanity included the plough, the loom, and the flute. She was also known as Athena Polias in her capacity as goddess of the people or polity of Athens. The owl was the symbol both of Athena and Athens. She was also associated with the snake, and their is some speculation that she originated as a snake goddess, perhaps in Crete. She was the goddess of wisdom and war. She was the goddess of the strategic part of war. She was Zeus' favorite child and therefore favored her greatly. He let her carry his buckler called the aegis and also his weapon the thunderbolt. (Click Name Above To View More Info)


"Force". Greek goddess of force.


Greek god of the north wind.


"Sweet Maid". Virgin huntress goddess of Crete whose cult later merged with that of Artemis. In Aegina she was associated with Aphaea, a goddess of local importance.


The Greek goddess of violent death.


(Aglaia) Minor Greek Goddess. As Aglaia, she was also one of the Charities.


The Charities are personifications of aspects of grace and beauty. Aglaia (Splendor), Euphrosyne (Mirth), Thalia (Good Cheer). Their numbers varied, although a basic trinity is commonly recognized: Aglaia (splendour), Euphrosine (cheerfulness or festivity), and Thaleia (rejoicing or blossom). The Romans knew them under the collective name of the Gratiae (qv). They were the attendants of Aphrodite or Venus, and personified grace and beauty. EUPHROSYNE: "Joy". One of the Greek Charites (Graces). Euphrosyne was the personification of joy and festivity.


Greek goddess of flowers.


Cotys the goddess of sexuality.


Second generation god. Lord of the universe. Zeus overthrows him to become ruler of the gods.


Greek goddess personifying the laurel tree.


"Panic" or "Fear". Minor Greek god of war.


Goddess of the harvest. Demeter makes the crops grow each year. Demeter is associated with the seasons. Greek mother and corn (grain) goddess associated with the earth, vegetation and agriculture. She is also a goddess of death, as exemplified by the story of Persephone. She was depicted as a matronly figure, often riding a chariot or seated upon a throne. Her attributes included ears of corn (grain) and a basket filled with flowers, grain and fruit. The pig and the snake were sacred to her. Demeter was one of the minor gods, but was also a very important goddess. She was the Goddess of the Harvest and Grain, and the other crops. Demeter is often seen holding a stalk of grain or corn as seen in the picture.


Greek god of wine and intoxication. He was credited with having the introduction of the vine and the art of making wine.


Greek sea-goddess.


Greek goddess of childbirth.


Minor Greek god of war.


A minor Greek goddess of war who takes delight in carnage and destruction of towns.


Greek goddess of the dawn.


Greek river god.


(sing. Erinys, Eumenides, Roman Furies) Greek avenging goddesses. Euripedes was the first to give there number as three: ALLEKTO: Her name is said to mean "she who does not rest" . Megaera ("jealous"), and Tisiphone ("avenger of murder").They are solemn maidens dressed as huntresses, wear bands of serpents around their heads, and carry torches. They pursue wrongdoers and torment them in ways that make the criminals wish they were dead. Crimes that especially draw their attention are disobedience toward parents, ill treatment of the elderly, murder, violation of the law of hospitality, and improper conduct toward suppliants.


Eris is the goddess of discord and the spirit of strife. She is obsessed with bloodshed, havoc, and suffering. She calls forth war and her brother Ares carries out the action.


Inflicts with either uncontrollable love or severe disinterest. Is a love god. Greek god of love and fertility. Depicted as a winged youth with bow and arrows. His arrows had the power to make both gods and mortals fall in love.


Europa is a goddess of the moon.


Earth goddess. Her attributes included the fruits of the earth and the Cornucopia. She is regarded as all nourishing, and one of the deities presiding over marriage.


Sea god. Glaukos was reputed to have the gift of prophecy.


Ruler of the Underworld. Ruler of the dead. "The Unseen one". Since riches were commonly buried in the ground, he also figured as a god of wealth, Pluto, although the latter is often considered as a separate deity. He was an unpitying and just god, who was mean but not evil. He was depicted as dark bearded, bearing a scepter and a key. He possessed a helmet or cap that made the wearer invisible.


"Bloom of Youth" Goddess of youth.


Goddess often associated with witchcraft.
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A god of the sun.


God of fire and god of the forge. He, of all the gods, was the only one that was not only ugly, but lame too. He was highly respected by the other gods and goddesses for he was their armorer and smith. He made their weapons, dwellings, arts and crafts, and anything else that they might need. He is often pictured to be a comical relief to the gods as he hobbles around. He was a peace-loving and kind god who was loved by all. He is pictured working in his forge or by an anvil.


Protectress of marriage. The cow and peacock are sacred to her.


The messenger of the gods. Also considered to be the god of commerce and the market and the protector of traders. He also possesses the task of accompanying the dead down to the Underworld. He holds a caduceus and wears winged sandals and a winged hat.


Virgin goddess of the hearth. Her symbols are fire and the hearth.
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Horae, The

Goddesses of the seasons and the orderly procession of things. They are also the collective personification of justice. Eunomia: (Discipline), Dike: (Justice), Irene: (Peace).


Goddess of health.


God of marriage.


God of sleep.


Goddess of healing.


Winged rainbow goddess. She wears a dress of iridescent raindrops.


Goddess of recompense.


Goddess of spring.


A goddess of the Underworld.


Goddess of prudence.


Goddess of memory.


Goddess of right and reason.


God of jeering.

Muses, The

Goddesses of the arts and sciences. They inspire those who excel in these pursuits. Clio: Historical and heroic poetry; Erato: Lyric poetry; Calliope: Epic poetry and chief of the nine Muses; Euterpe: Flute-playing; Melpomene: Tragedy; Thalia: Comedy; Terpsichore: Dance; Urania: Astronomy; Polyhymnia: Songs to the gods.


Goddess of divine vengeance. She sees to it that all evil and good on earth are repaid.


Winged goddess of victory.


God of the south wind.


Nyx is the night personified. She is winged and she rides in a chariot wearing a dark dress with sparkling stars surrounding her.


God of magic.


Goddess of summer.


God of flocks and music.


Both a goddess of spring and the Underworld.


Goddess of fame.


Goddess of the waxing and waning moon cycles.


God of enlightenment.


God of the sea. Often depicted holding a trident.


God of fertility.


Goddess of the earth, mountains, and forests.


Goddess of the moon and solutions.


Goddess of light.


Personification of luck and chance.


First generation god. A sky god.


God of the west wind.


God of the sky. King of the gods. His breastplate is the aegis. His bird is the eagle. His tree is the oak.

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