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What does it mean to be a good   Citizen?

What are characteristics of a good Citizen?

Do I posses the characteristics of a good Citizen?

                                         Introduction To Lesson


Information for teachers

Connections  To:
Kentucky Program of Studies,
Kentucky Learner Goals
Academic Expectations

Program of Studies
                            Government and Civics

Kentucky Learner Goals


Students shall develop their abilities to apply core concepts and principles from mathematics, the sciences, the arts, the humanities, social studies, practical living studies and vocational studies to what they will encounter throughout their lives.


Students shall develop their abilities to become self-sufficient individuals.


Students shall develop their abilities to become responsible members of a family, work group, or community, including demonstrating effectiveness in community service.


Students shall develop their abilities to think and solve problems in school situations and in a variety of situations they will encounter.

Academic Expectations


Students understand the democratic principals of justice, equality, responsibility, and freedom and apply them to real life situations.


Students can accurately describe various forms of government and analyze issues that relate to the rights and responsibilities of citizens in democracy.


Students demonstrate the ability to be resourceful and creative.


Students demonstrate the ability to accept the rights and responsibilities for self and others.


Students use creative thinking skills to develop or invent novel, constructive ideas or products.