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Association Officers
Association By-Laws
Association Directory
Association News
The "Pride and Product of America!" The American Morgan Horse
The American Morgan Horse is the oldest-recognized American breed of light horse. Thanks to one talented little stallion name Justin Morgan and over 200 years of careful breeding, thousands of people enjoy this magnificent horse today.
Morgan Horses are known for their spirit, style and ability. Morgans have been cavalry mounts, race horses, work partners, masters of the show ring and loyal family friends. Morgans can do it all!
The Bluegrass Morgan Horse Association was founded in 1981 by a group of devoted Morgan owners to promote the Morgan Horse in the state of Kentucky. The BMHA, a friendly group of Morgan owners, breeders and admirers aged 6 to 60-something, meets once each month to discuss horse industry information, plan special events (demonstrations, parades, fairs, etc.) share stories and photos and just "talk horses". Community education is of utmost importance to the BMHA .
Special events, such as those held at the Kentucky Horse Park each year,
showcase the Morgan Horse allowing us to share the love of our horses with all.
The BMHA has a very special group of ambassadors ? the BMHA Youth . This group of fine equestrians excel in both the show and education arenas. In addition to exhibiting their horses in the youth classes sponsored by the BMHA throughout the county fair circuit and participation in 4-H activities, our youth gain valuable knowledge and skill through clinics, trail rides, and "fun" shows.
Also, the AMHA (American Morgan Horse Association) has a study program in
which the youth learn about the Morgan Horse and acquire "badges" at each level of accomplishment.
So? whether you own, desire to own, or just plain "love" the Morgan horse, come join in the fun of the BMHA. Club membership also includes: a monthly newsletter, updates on Morgan and horse-industry happenings, access to the club's video library and opportunity to meet some nice, horse-loving people!