
Thanks for dropping by! This is my newest of my sites and I hope that you find this site filled with information that you can use to consistently beat your competition, but do it in an efficient way. You will be the king of the controller and be a better judge of the situations you find yourself in, as you use the simple tactics mentioned in the other sites I created. Each is dedicated solely to the game in multiplayer their modes. Of course these tactics you learn will be the same ones to get you through the single player modes of the game, and there are some refrenceces to the single player modes in the . But this is a Multiplayer Site. So I go into some real detail.

This site is for the three most popular multiplayer games on the N64, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark and The World is not Enough. To go to these sites just click the links above. They will come up in its own window you may close this one if you wish, you will be able to go back and open it by clicking the MBMS link at the top of the site you go to .

Excerpt of the Week: GameCube Vs Playstation 2 -IGN.com


Tokyo Game Show - October

Space World 2001 - Aug 23-26 Tokyo, Japan

GAMECUBE - Nintendo's coming out party

E3- May 16, 2001 10:30 AM - Electronic Entertainment Expo

First Sightings of the new GCN


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