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A guy brought a gun to school,
He told his friends that it was cool,
And when he pulled the trigger back,
It shot with a loud crack.

I was scared,
and I've always done as I was told,
I went to school, I got a straight A average.
I even got the gold!

But Mom, when I went to school that day,
I never said good-bye.
I'm sorry Mom, I had to go,
But Mom, please don't cry.

When that guy fired the gun,
he hit me and another,
And all because the guy,
got the gun from his brother.

Mom, please tell Dad..
That I love him very much,
And please tell Chris; my boyfriend..
That it wasn't just a crush.
And tell my little Brother..
that he is the only one now,

And tell my dear sweet Grandmother..
I'll be waiting for her now.

Tell my wonderful friends;
that they always were the best;

Mom, I'm not the first,
I'm no better than the rest.

Mom, tell my Teachers;
I won't show up for class,
And never to forget this,
And please don't let this pass.

Mom, why'd it have to be me?
No one deserves this.
warn the others.

I left without a kiss.
And Mom tell the Doctors;
I know they really did try,
I think I even saw a doctor,
Trying not to cry.

Mom, I'm slowly dying,
With a bullet in my chest,
But Mom please remember,
I'm in Heaven with the rest.

Mom I ran as fast as I could,
When I heard that crack.
Mom, listen to me if you would,
I'm not coming back.

I wanted to go to College,
I wanted to try things that were new.
I guess I'm not going with Dad,
On that trip to the area's new zoo.

I wanted to be with my boyfriend,
and you and Dad knew I did....
I wanted to be an Actor,
I just wanted to live.

But Mom I must go now,
The time is getting late,.
Mom, tell my boyfriend, I'm sorry
but I had to cancel our date.

I love you Mom, I always have, I know; you know it's true,
And Mom all I wanted to say is,
"Mom, I love you."

Please if you would,
Pass this around,
I'd be happy if you could......
If you pass this on,
Maybe people will cry....
but just keep this in your heart..
For the people who didn't get to say


        ~~author unknown~~


Now you have 2 choices:

(1) Pass this on, and show people you care.
(2) Delete it, and you have just proven you have a cold-hearted heart.


Backgound and graphics thanks to:
Flamin Florals
Astral's Web Page.

A special thanks goes to:
for the inspiration
for her design attistance.

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