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welcome 2 House of Eccoes homepage

House of Eccoes are

Hi this is House of Eccoes homepage. This is the web page for an up incomeing band: House of Eccoes. We are a Punk rock band that's basically a mixter of Cranberries and Ramones . Psycho Chick supplies the vocals, Gods_7 bass,and Dyne on Guitar. Right now we are just forming. Gods_7 and Dyne had been in the band Deep Depression, which broke up because of differnces and loss of friendship between us. So Dyne and I {gods_7} set out to form a new band. Then along the way Dyne met his girlfriend, Jamie, who we later found out could sing. She also wanted to also be in a band. Now we are looking for a drummer, so we can do what we all love to do play music. Thanx 4 visiting our homepage!

Information Links Below

Dyne's page
Gods_7 page
Psycho Chick's page