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Ok, if you've come to this site it means 1 of 2 things:

A: You've come to read BSB fanfiction and I'll try not to dissapoint you.


B: You clicked this link by mistake and are now frantically clicking the back button on your browser. If so, it's no use. YOU'RE TRAPPED! HAHAHA!!! (J/K)

Anyways, I'm fairly new to having my own website and only know a little basic html so please be patient and don't expect anything fancy. I plan on having hosted stories but please read the rules before sending them in. I'm also going to have a random thoughts section which is where I will basically vent my feelings when I get frustrated with life, so feel free to look there and read about my opinions or the endless saga of my life and don't hesitate to send advice (I recently stopped seeing my shrink). So thanx and READ ON!!!

And let's get 1 last thing straight. I don't know BSB or anyone affiliated with them. All events are fictional and so are the characters.


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January 21, 2001: See what happens when someone will bother to write me? I update. It's only 1 chapter (Dreaming 2) but it's better than nothing. If I get a whole bunch of letters I'll update more, but 1 person only keeps me motivated for so long.

January 4, 2001 Ok, I didn't want it to come to this, believe me I didn't, but until someone emails me about the site I won't update. I'm sorry but that's the way it has to be. I don't want to give up free time I could be spending on school or other things for something that no one appreciates. I'm just asking for 1 email. You have no idea how much it ould mean to me. Peace, Darby.

October 20: Happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me, happy sweet 16 Darby, happy birthday to me! Ok, so maybe my birthday was yesterday (i got my driver's licence. I'm SO excited) but in honor of my birthday I decided to make a little update. Chapter 6 (Our House) of Trust in Me has been added. I swear I'll update more soon but I just don't have tons of time at the moment. Plus it's hard to stay motivated to update when nobody will email me comments. At this rate I might shut down the site, so PLEASE email me. Don't assume someone else will because assuming makes an ass out of u and me.

August 29: Chapter 5 of Trust In Me. Please write me about it. If you can take 30 minutes out of your life to read the story, you can take 5 minutes to send feedback. I don't know what people like or don't like. I'm not psycic. I can't improve it or take out something you don't like if I don't know you don't like it. So PLEASE write me.


If you'd like to be emailed when this page is updated email me at

My Stories
Hosted Stories
Random Thoughts (Now you can listen to me whine and complain!)
Wow! Could It Be?! Links To Other Backstreet Boy's Sites.
Links To Other Sites
