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Harlequin Historicals

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Harlequin Historicals

Author Title Publisher Price
Susan Amarillas Wild Card HH / 1997 $2.50
Sandra Chastain Sunshine And Satin HH #108/1993 $2.00
Claire Delacroix Unicorn Vengeance HH / 1995 $2.50
Claire Delacroix Honeyed Lies HH #209 / 1994 $2.00
Laurie Grant The Raven And The Swan HH #205 / 1994 $2.00
Muriel Jensen Trust HH / 1994 $2.00
Elizabeth Mayne Lord Of The Isle HH / 1997 $2.50
Lindsay McKenna Brave Heart HH #171 / 1993 $2.50
Margaret Moore Vows HH #206 / 1994 $2.00
Rae Muir The Pearl Stallion HH / 1996 $2.25
DeLoras Scott Spitefire HH / 1994 $2.00
Dallas Schultz Short Straw Bride HH / 1996 $2.50
Sharon Schulze To Tame A Warrior's Heart HH / 1996 $2.50
Ana Seymour Angel Of The Lake HH #173 / 1994 $2.00
Gayle Wilson Raven's Vow HH / 1997 $2.50
Gayle Wilson His Secret Duchess HH / 1997 $2.50

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