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~Old Stuff~

Why did I put up this very small section? To put all the old stuff in of course. ^^ For example, holiday pics I put on my homepage. (Those aren't gonna stay up all year of course.) Well, even after the holiday is over, you can still gawk at them. *sighs* Okay, okay. The only reason I put this up is 'cause I like all the lil' stupid pics I made. ^^;

This is just a part of a Japanese pic I took, and added "Merry Christmas" to. Nothing more than that.

I made a cute Gato collage, but my mom said there was too much white in it. e.e She suggested that I make a Christmas-like Gatomon picture; So that's what I did. It's just a cute lil' Gato pic, with her wearing a Santa hat.

I love this pic! ^^ Matt's just so kawaii!! Every time I see this pic I wanna hug him to bits!! *hugs Yama tight* *Yama tries desperately to get away, but has no such luck*

This is the 1,000 hit banner that was on the homepage. I was sooo happy to finally get 1,000 hits! *dances around happily* I added the words, but all the credit for the great fanart goes to Liz-Chan. Thanks again for letting me use it. ^^ I LOVE it!

And this was the hit banner for the Enter Page. I thought this stupid thing up pretty quickly. I just thought I should have a smaller hit banner thingy for the Enter page too. ^^

Woah, big piccie O.O Umm.. this was a pic I put on my site because it's for people who don't know who marries who at the end of 02. I put this on my site mainly because I hadn't updated my site in like month and wanted a awesome pic to make up for it. Well, this is an awesome pic, but it's neat 'cause it shows all the DigiDs' kids!! ^^ Big score in my book!

This is what I wrote under the pic when it was on the homepage : "Well, there they are. 10 of the 12 DigiD's as adults. If you can't tell by the pic, here's the scoop: Sora marries Matt and they have a boy and a girl; They later get divorced and Matt keeps the girl and Sora keeps the boy; Sora re-marries to Joe O.O (Now THAT flew me for a loop..); Sora and Joe have a boy; Tai has a son, but I have no clue who the mother is; Mimi and Izzy get married and have 2 kids (Another couple that makes no sense to me); Kari and TK get married and have one child, they later get divorced and TK re-marries (That one made me wanna cry. They got DIVORCED?!); Ken and Yolei got married and have 3 children; Cody marries a non-Digidestined and gets a daughter. Well, that's it. Oh yah, Davis has a son that looks kinda like him."

Now for my comments: "Matt still looks pretty darn hot. His son is ADORABLE and so is his daughter. Tai's son is like his twin so much that it's scary. Kari's daughter looks so totally cool/kawaii. I wish she'd be in Digimon Tamers.. -_- Joe and Sora marring is one of the wierdest things I've ever seen. Well.. after thinking about it all night while trying to get to sleep, I figured that as adults, maybe they would make a good couple - and I guess they did. Izzy and Mimi is yet ANOTHER wacky couple in my opinion. They never got along, and their personalities just don't go together.. But their son looks kinda cool. ^^ I'm not surprised that TK and Kari got married, or that they had a kawaii daughter, but they DIVORCED?!?!? I just don't get it! O.O Even though I'm a Karato fan, I must admit that they were meant to be together. And now to Yolei and Ken.. Man! A whoppin' THREE kids. ^^ (I think their older son is pretty cute.) Even though most people like them as a couple, I never really did.. I don't think their personalities go AT ALL. Mimi and Izzy makes more sense than Yolei and Ken! And Cody got pretty handsome, ne? Well, that's all."

And this is just a pic of Matt as an adult. He became an astronaut.. obviously. And look! Gabu's up there too! ^^ Matt goes from a highschool rockstar to an astronaut. Not a bad career-life Yama!

Well, dat's it. Time to go back to

The Light of Friendship