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~You're Obsessed With Matt When...~

We Matt fans know where're obsessed with Yamato, but here's a list of things we do to prove it. I put them into 2 categories: Things I Do + Things I Don't Do. Believe me, the list of Things I Do is much, MUCH longer.^^ If you can think of things Matt-obsessed people do, e-mail them to me.


~You've decided to try ketchup and/or salsa on your eggs, just because Matt likes to eat them that way. (I'll try that sometime..)

~You day-dream about Matt being your personal cheif.

~Matt IS your personal cheif ^^ (just a little joke)

~You pratically fall asleep when anyone besides Matt or Gabumon is talking.

~If Izzy and Tai are talking and Matt's not in the shot you say, "Come on! Move it you two! Where's Matt?"

~You really despise the 3 new kids, cause you think it's their fault Matt's not in season 2 enough.

~You always wonder what it'd be like if Matt hosted TRL, or anything on MTV. (Yay! Who needs Carson when you got Yama? ^^)

~You have dreams about Matt. (I've had MANY about him.)

~You hate how Matt is THIRD at the beginning of the theme song. What is up with that?! Matt's a billion times better than Sora!!

~You totally hate how in the theme, Gabumon is showed after Biyomon. Everyone is knows Gabu is cooler AND more popular than Biyo.

~You get on the chair and twist in akward ways with the remote, when a channel on TV stops working ^^ (okay, I haven't done that yet, but next time I will. Hey, maybe it helps.)

~Your favorite ep is definitley Garurumon, Sub-Zero Ice Punch, WereGarurumon's Diner, Out on the Town, Playing Games, Trash Day, or The Crest of Friendship. (a.k.a., any Mat episode. I like WereGaruru's Diner, Playing Games, Trash Day, + The Crest of Friendship. Actually I love all the Matt eps. I can't choose!)

~You have pics off the internet of Matt all over your walls - (espically beside your bed^^)

~You feel like beaten the living-daylights out of people who like Tai better. *mumbles angrily at the thought*

~You cried when poor Matt nearly cried in "The Crest of Friendship".

~After you saw and recorded "WereGarurumon's Diner", you watched it twice a day (before school and before bed).

~"Playing Games" is one of your favorite eps, but you got really mad at T.K. when he hurt Matt's feelings. (Stupid T.K...)

~Tai offically became your LEAST fav Digidestined after you saw "Playing Games". (After that ep, I hated Tai SOOO much!! But now Davis is Enemy #1. ^_~)

~You angrily jump up and down on the couch every time you see Phantomon choke Matt in "City Under Siege".

~You love watching Matt kick Tai's butt, but you wanna kill Tai when he punches Matt's beautiful face. =(

~You are the enemy of anyone who likes Tai as their favorite. (Didn't I already say that?..)

~You don't think it's fair that Gabumon's always SECOND. What's so great about that stupid orange iguana?! Gabumon's MUCH more creative looking AND cooler!

~You're dying to learn to play the harmonica, because Matt plays it. (I got one for Christmas ^_~)

~You've read this far, hehe.

~You have a site called 'The Light of Friendship' ^^.

~You're being Matt for Halloween. (I was gonna be season 2 Kari.. but Matt's easier to do. ^^)

~You DON'T agree that Matt + Mimi make a good couple. (Matt and Mimi??!! What the &*$%^#$?! No way!)


~Try to make your hair like Matt's. (My bangs aren't long enough, and I could NEVER buy enough gel ^^;)

