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WILLIS, BENJAMIN R. to ELISABETH A. BLAIR on 23 July 1860 by Simpson, (min.ret. only).

WILLIS, CHARLES B. to KITTIE E. McCLAIN on 4 Sept 1867 by J.Breeding at Robert McClain's, (min.ret.only).

WILLIS, GEORGE A., of Adair, 22, first mar, born Cumberland Co., father born Adair, mother born Tenn., to V. A. ALICE EDRINCTON, of Adair, 18, first mar, born Missouri, father and mother born Ky. "I think", dau of Benj. by note, on 7 Jan 1867 by F.N.Taylor, surety J.R.Cundiff.

WILLIS, HERSHEL P. to MARY E. JEFFRIES on 28 Nov 1866 by James at Thomas Jef fries' (min.ret.only).

WILLIS, MERRY to MISS JANE CROUCH on 29 Sept 1842 by Clark, (min.rets.only).

WILLIS, PASCHAL, son of Nancy, to MARTHA JANE PARRISH, dau of William D., on 9 Sept 1841 by Thomas, (min.ret.only).

WILLIS, PASCHAL to MARY SUSAN McLEAN on 13 Nov 1851 by W.Blair, (min.rets.only).

WILLIS, PASCHAL, of Adair, 34, born Adair, widower, to LOU MURRELL, of Columbia, 22, single, on 12 Mar 1856 by McKee, (min.ret.only).

WILLIS, WILLIAM R. to SOPHIA COFFEY on 27 Apr 1865 by Nichols at Zidnah Coffey's, (min.ret.only).

WILLOCK, (see Manoah Whitlock)

WILMORE, MILTON E., born Adair, 27, to ELIZABETH McCLARY, born Adair, 20, on 22 Apr 1862 by H.C.Reed at Isaac McClary's, (min.ret.only).

WILMORE, WILLIAM A. to CAFURNIA BRADSHAW bond only dated 30 Oct 1855, surety Asure Bradshaw.

WILSON, BRYANT, of Adair, 21, born Russell Co., single, to MISS CHARLOT_ LEETWICH, of Adair, 23, born "Bradford" Co., Va., single, bond dated 15 Jan 1855, min.ret.says married on 11 Jan 1855, by Roach, surety John W. Hamilton.

WILSON, D. H. to AMELIA J. WILLIAMS on 8 Nov 1866 by Reed at Mary E. Williams's in Taylor Co., (min.ret.only).

WILSON, GEORGE W. to POLLY B. BORRES or BARNES on 26 Feb 1852 by Roach, (min.rets. only).

WILSON, JAMES (see James Willen)

WILSON, JAMES D. D. to SALLY A. C. CAMPBELL on 12 Aug 1866 by A.Wilson at Rob't Campbell's, (min.ret.only).

WILSON, JAMES M. to SALLY HARRISON GILL on 21 Dec 1848 by Lewis, (min.rets.only), (The Gill Bible gives her name as Sarah Theresa Gill).

WILSON, JAMES MORGAN to MALINDA HAMILTON on 7 Jan 1847 by Wilson, (min.rets.only).

WILSON, JAMES W., of Metcalfe Co., 19, first mar, born Adair, father born Russell Co., mother born Adair, son of William by note, to NARCISSA SEXTON, of Adair, 16, first mar, born Adair, parents born Ky., dau of John W. by note, on 2 Jan 1870 by Hill, surety Thomas Wilson.

WILSON, JOHN H. to LUCY M. V. BLAIR on 15 Mar 1866 by W.Blair at John Blair's, (min.ret.only).

WILSON, JOHN W. to SUSAN F. HILL, granddaughter of Armistead York by note, bond only dated 19 June 1855, surety Nimrod Barnes.

WILSON, JAMES to SYRENA JUDD on 19 Aug 1847 by Absher, (min.rets.only).

WILSON, JOSPEH M. (or H.), of Adair, 36, first mar, physician, born Casey Co., father born Boyle Co., mother born Lincoln Co., to MARTHA B. RUBARTS, of Adair, 21, first mar, she and parents born Casey Co., on 25 Mar 1868 by Wm. Simpson at Ceo. Rubart's, surety John R. Rubarts.

WILSON, JOSHUA BELL, of Adair, 21, first mar, he and parents born Russell Co., to MARY L. BRAGG (T. in min.ret.), of Adair, 22, first mar, born Adair, father born Va., mother born Adair, on 23 Jan 1868 by Barnes, surety Win. P. Barnes.

WILSON, MERY to MARTHAY AN BURRESS on 11 Jan 1867 by Roach at Henry Burress' s, (min.ret.only).

WILSON, ROBERT, of Green Co., 55, third mar, born Green Co., father born Ireland, mother born Penn., to MARY E. BAILEY, of Adair, 31, first mar, born Adair, parents born US, on 19 May 1868 by James, surety J.T.Blakeman.

WILSON, ROBERT H., of Adair, 26, born Campbellsville, Ky., single, to ERMINE SALLIE, of Adair, 22, born Adair, single, on 23 Dec 1855, surety Jesse Hood.

WILSON, THEODORE, of Adair, 23, first mar, born Russell Co., father born Va., mother born Russell Co., to ELIZA LOGSTON or LOUGHTON, of Adair, first mar, born Cumberland Co., parents born US, "J.T.Curry, with whom she has lived for many years being present and consenting", on 23 Jan 1868 by Patton, surety Josiah T. Curry.

WILSON, THOMAS S., of Adair, 24, first mar, he and parents born Adair, to SARAH A. PATTERSON, of Adair, 16, first mar, born Adair, father born Adair, mother born Cumberland Co., dau of Silus B. by note, on 10 Sept 1868 by W.Blair, surety John M. Patterson.

WILSON, THOMAS T. to ANN PAGE on 26 Feb 1867 by Reed at Mrs. Jane Griffith's, (min.ret.only).

WILSON, WILLIAM to LUCY FIELD on 19 Oct 1847 by Wilson, (min.rets.only).

WILSON, WILLIAM, of Adair, 26, born Adair, single, to CATHARINE HILL, of Adair, 22, born Adair, single, on 1 Jan 1856 by Leftwich, surety Nimrod Barnes.

WINFREY, ANDERSON to LUVENA MEDARIS on 14 Feb 1845 by Peak, (min.rets.only).

WINFREY, ELISHA T., of Adair, 28, to SYRILDA C. GADBERRY, of Adair, 22, single, on 22 Jan 1857 by Absher, surety Win. F. Neet.

WINFREY, FRANCIS R., of Adair, 25, first mar, attorney, born Cumberland Co., father born Va., mother born Ky., to ANN M. SMITH, of Adair, 20, first mar, born Adair, parents born Va., her guardian Thos. H. Frazer present, on 6 Oct 1868 by James at Myra E. Wheat's, surety Thos. F. Frazer.

WINFREY, HAMILTON T., son of Thomas A., to SARAH ANN HARDIN, dau of Joseph, on 23 Feb 1841 by Mills, (min.ret.only).

WINFREY, I. C. to SARAH M. WINFREY on 3 Dec 1867 by Absher at H. Winfrey's, (min.ret.only).

WOMACK, HARRISON to ANNIE BRYANT on 11 Apr 1852 by M.Blair, (min.rets.only).

WOMACK, JOHN to ELVY LEACH (?) on 25 Dec 1844 by J.Breeding, (min.rets.only).

WOMACK, MILTON to LOCKY BRYANT, widow, on 22 Mar 1865 by M.Blair, (min.ret.only).

WOMACK, WESLEY to F. CAFFEY in August of 1850 by M.Blair, (min.rets.only).

WOMACK, WM. to SUSAN E. SHORES bond only dated 1 Dec 1856, surety Henry M. Antle.

WOODROW, WILLIAM (min.ret.says Woodrum), of Casey Co., 25, single, to MISS MARY ANN ADAMS, of Marion Co., 16, single, dau of John Adams by note, on 8 May 1856 by Knifley, surety Thomas J. Chelf.

WOODRUM, JAMES, of Casey Co., 31, second mar, born Casey Co., mother born Casey "I reckon", father born Va. "I reckon", to MARY STAYTON, of Adair, 23, first mar, born Adair, father born Marion Co. "I reckon", mother born Taylor Co. "I reckon", dau of John by note, on 9 Sept 1869 by A.T.Smith, surety R. J. Stayton.

WOODRUM, WILLIAM (see William Woodrow)

WOODWARD, JULIUS to JANE MARRS on 13 Dec 1844 by Crouch, (min.rets.only).

WOOTEN, MATHEW to MARY H. ENGLAND on 27 Sept 1865 by Roach at James England's, (min. ret. only)

WOOTEN, WILLIAM W., of Adair, 22, to REBECCA JANES, 18, on 15 June 1856 by J.Blair, surety Spencer Janes.

WORKMAN, JOHN to LORCY or LOVEY PELLY on 6 Mar 1850 by Pelly, (min.rets.only).

WORKMAN, PETER to MATILDA REED on 3 Feb 1846 by W.Blair, (min.rets.only).

WORKMAN, PETER, of Adair, to JOANNY WILKERSON, of Adair, on 10 Mar 1863 by Morrison, (min.ret.only).

WORKMAN, WILLIAM H., of Adair, 22, first mar, saddler, born Adair, father born Adair, mother born Marion Co., to MARY T. McCUBINS, of Marion Co., 22, first mar, born Missouri, father born Marion Co., mother born Missouri, on 12 June 1869 by Mills at Thos. Workman's, surety Samuel L. Workman.

WREN, ISAAC N., of Barren Co., 44, single, to MISS SARAH M. BROWNING, of Adair, 38, born at Francis Browning's, on 19 Jan 1855 by "Aling Them", surety John Murrell.

WRIGHT, THOMAS J., of Wayne Co., 22, single, to SALLIE H. FLOWERS, of Adair, 21, single, on 7 Feb 1862 by Epperson, (min.ret.only).

WYMAN, W. G., 24, to ANN JANE GRIFFITH, 21, on 20 Aug 1861 by Emerson, (min.ret. only).

YARBERRY, MARSHALL to MARY ANN HENDRIXSON on 23 Feb 1865 by Wallace, (min.ret. only).

YATES, CHARLES H., born Adair, 24, to HARRIET J. TURK, born Adair, 16, on 20 June 1861 by Emerson, (min.ret.only).

YATES, CHARLES J. (or T.), of Adair, 27, born at Alfred Yates' in Barren Co., to MISS MARY E. SMITH, of Adair, 21, born at E.A.Smith's in Adair Co., dau of Elizabeth by note, bond dated 28 Feb 1856, min.ret.says married on 20 Mar 1856 by Keen??, surety Wm. M. Yates.

YATES, ISAAC P. to MATILDA JANE LOY on 21 Jan 1867 by James, (min.ret.only).

YATES, JAMES C. to REBECCA P. McCLISTER bond only dated 13 Feb 1854, surety James McClister.

YATES, JAMES HARVEY to ELIZABETH ANN JEFFRIES bond only dated 11 Feb 1854, surety Silas T. Jeffries.

YATES, JAMES T. to ARMINTA MOORE, her guardian—Thompson Botts—consented, on 14 Apr 1857 by Crenshaw, surety Win. N. Robinson

YATES, JAS. T. to AMERICA A. HAMILTON on 13 Feb 1863 by James at J.B.Yates', (min.ret.only).

YATES, JOHN A., of Adair, 22, born Adair, single, to JANE SHIRLEY, of Adair, 15, born Adair, single, dau of Richard W. by note, bond dated 24 Jan 1856, min.ret.says married on 24 June 1856 by Leftwich, surety John F. Shirley.

YATES, JAMES L. to ELIZABETH ANN YATES on 6 Mar 1846 by Sutherland, (min.rets. only).

YATES, JAMES T. to ELIZABETH J. PULLIAM on 18 June 1848 by J.Breeding, (min.ret. only).

YATES, ROBERT C., of Adair, 26, to MILDRED YATES, of Adair, 24, on 31 Oct 1856 by Keen, surety Creel C. Yates.

YATES, WILLIAM to JANE SHARP on 3 Dec 1847 by Neal, (min.rets.only).

YATES, WILLIAM MELFORD, of Adair, 21, born Adair, single, to MISS JOSEPHINE PRICE, of Adair, 21, born Greensburg, Ky., single, bond dated 6 Feb 1856, mm. ret.says married on 9 Mar 1856 by Dempsey, surety Jos. Price.

YATES, W.W., of Adair, 21, to MARY S. ALLEN, of Barren Co., 16, on 1 Nov 1856 by Keen, (min.ret.only). (See also the entry on Wm. W.Yates).

YOUNC, BENJAMIN F., son of George by note, to ELIZABETH F. (or S.) VIGUS, dau of Jordan by note, on 24 Dec 1857 by W.Blair, surety A.H.Green.

YOUNG, FRANKLIN to CARIEY E. BLAYDS on 6 Dec 1861 by Keen at Puma Smith's, (min.ret.only).

YOUNG, HARVEY to MARTHA ANDERSON, date of marriage not recorded, but the minister recorded this and other marriages at the courthouse on 19 May 1842, by Deinonbrum.

YOUNG, JAMES, 21, to MARGARET JANE SMITH, 18, on 11 July 1861 by Blair, (min. ret.only).

YOUNG, JOHN W., of Cumberland Co., 23, born Cumberland Co., single, to MARY SCOTT, of Adair, single, her father consents no note found, on 13 Mar 1853 by Neal, surety Milton Scott.

YOUNG, JAMES E. to ELIZABETH SIMPSON on 7 May 1846 by J.Blair, (min.rets.only).

YOUNG, S. A. to SUSAN BARREN on 3 Mar 1842 by J.Breeding, (min.rets.only).

YOUNG, WILLIAM to CHARITY DUDLEY on 20 Dec 1852 by Tucker, (min.rets.only).

YOUNG, WILLIAM R., 23, single, to NANCY JANE TURNER, 23, single, bond dated 15 Nov 1856, min.ret.says married on 18 Oct 1856 by Simpson, surety George W. Turner.