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MADARIS, MOSES to MARTHA MURRELL on 15 Feb 1845 by S.Murrell, (min.rets.only).

MAIDEN, JOHN M. to MARY ANN HOLT on 11 Aug 1850 by Epperson, (min.rets.only).

MALONE, BENJAMIN R. to MISS ELIZABETH NELL, bond only, dated 25 Sept 1854, surety James D. Malone.

MANN, DAVID B. to SARAH C. COX on 8 Aug 1866 by Fisher, (min.ret.only).

MARSHALL, WILLIAM R. to ELIZABETH SHIELDS on 22 Dec 1844 by Janes, (min.rets.only).

MARTIN, BENJAMIN F. to MARGARET J. YOUNG on 2 Mar 1865 by Keene, (min.ret.only).

MARTIN, CAFFREY, of Barren Co., 29, born White Co., Tenn., to MATILDA C. JAMES, (one record gives her as Melinda C. Janes), of Adair, 17, born Barren Co., single, dau of William by note, on 29 Nov 1854, surety Harrison Williams.

MARTIN, JAMES L. to MARTHA J. MORRISON, dau of Lucinda Morrison, on July 12 or 19,1841.

MARTIN, JOHN, 24, born Adair, to MARTHA A. SHARP (Sparks in one record), 20, born, Adair, "her mother consents" no note, on 20 Oct 1858 by Leftwich, surety James R. Sharp.

MARTIN, MILTON, of Adair, 25, born Adair, single, to SERENA MARTIN, of Adair,20, born Adair, widow of John Martin, on 23 Sept 1852 by Absher, (min.rets. only).

MARTIN, ROBERT M. to SOPHIA S. WHEAT on 17 Nov 1864 by Linebaugh at Eli Wheat's, (min. ret. only)

MARTIN, WILLIAM to CYRENA BREEDING on 4 June 1848 by W.Blair, (min.rets.only).

MASSEY, ELSY to HURETTA H. SMITH on 30 Sept 1847 by Cain, (min.rets.only).

MASSIE, JAMES A., of Texas, 33, to LUCILLA COFFER, of Adair, 28, on 22 Jan 1861 by Wallace, (min.ret.only).

MASSIE, JAMES ALBERT to MARY BRIDGEWATER on 13 Oct 1846 (See James Seebert).

MATHEWS, HIRAM B. to MALINDA POWELL on 4 Jan 1844 by Watson, (min.rets.only).

MAXFIELD, ANDREW J., of Overton Co., Tenn., 22, to FRANCIS J. SMITH, of Adair, 16, on 13 Sept 1863 by Monroe, (min.ret.only).

MAYER, ALEXANDER to MARTHA TUTT on 16 Mar 1865 by Nichols at John Tutt's, (min. ret.only).

MAYFIELD, WILLIAM to LUCRETIA R. PERKINS, bond only, dated 6 Apr 1857, surety Blackmore Hughes.

MAYS, HENRY to S. T. RODGERS on 30 Mar 1843 by Price, (min.rets.only).

McALLARY, MAJOR D. to MARTHA ANN FRAZER on 8 Feb 1843 by Thompson, (min.rets. only).

McALLISTER, ALFRED A. to ELIZABETH A. FLOYD on 18 Oct 1865 by Jones, (min.ret. only).

McCAFFREE, PETER C., of Adair, 23, first mar, born Cumberland Co., father born Green Co., mother born Adair, Co., to LOUSARAH C. CHEATHAM, of Adair, 22, first mar, born Adair, father born Cumberland Co., mother born Adair, on 25 Feb 1869 by Alexander, surety Wm. J. Atkins.

McCOEFREY, WM. to MARY A. TUTT on 22 Oct 1863 by James at Esq. Suddarth's, (min. ret.only).

McCAFFREE, WILLIAM, of Adair, 49, third mar, born Green Co., father born US, mother born Cumberland Co., to SARAH A. THOMAS, of Adair, about 35, sec ond mar, born Adair, father born Ky, mother born Adair, on 22 Apr 1869 by James, surety S. I. Sherrill.

McCARTER (or McCarta), JOHN J. to LUCY A. HAYNES on 17 Aug 1841, John Moon states that she is over 21 according to the family register.

McCLAIN (see McLean)

McCLAIN, JOHN W.,of Adair, 25, to MISS MARY JANE MURRELL, of Adair, 16, single on 12 Sept 1858 by Goodson, surety Sinclair Wheat. (one record gives the name of the groom as McLean).

McCLAIN. OLIVER H. 22, born Adair, to D. J. PATTERSON, 17, born Adair, on 16 Oct 1860 by Emerson, (min.ret.only).

McCLAIN, ROBERT to NANCY NOWEL on 23 Apr 1840.

McCLISTER, JAMES R. to MARY ANN POWELL on 28 Oct 1846 by Simpson, (min.rets.only).

McCLISTER, JOHN to SARAH HAYES on 12 Aug 1849 by Simpson, (min.rets.only).

McCLISTER, OLIVER H. to DOSHA GRIDER, of Adair, on 27 Dec 1861 by W.Blair, (min. ret.only).

McDANIEL, JOHN H. to HARRIET STEWART on 15 Oct 1860 by Jones, (min.ret.only).

McDANIEL, MATHEW to SARAH JANE DOOLEY on 7 Sept 1866 by Knifley, (min.ret.only).

McDONALD, JOHN 0. to HESTER A. ROGERS on 2 Jan 1867 by Nichols at Jackson Roger's, (min.ret.only).

McELROY, GEORGE W. to SYLVIA A. WATSON, "her father present", on 30 July 1858 by W. Blair, surety Stephen Watson.

McELROY, LITTLETON to CREELLOTTY LEACH on 2 Apr 1866 by Absher, (min.ret.only).

McFARLAND, ELIHUE, of Adair, 23, first mar, he and both parents born Whitley Co., to SUSAN PATSEY KEMP, of Adair, first mar, 22, she and both parents born Adair, on 31 Dec 1867 at Wyatt Kemp's, surety Wyatt Kemp.

McGINNIS, ANDERSON to NANCY PRESTON on 21 Aug 1842 by Milam, (min.rets.only).

McGINNIS, WM. to CELISTANA POLLY on 2 Apr 1846 by Simpson, (min.rets.only).

McGLASSON, A., of Cumberland Co., 21, to FRANCES ANDERSON, of Adair, 21, on 8 Oct 1856 by Sexton, (min.ret.only).(See Thomas A. McGlasson).

McGLASSON, JAMES A. to GRACY McCLUSKY on 7 Apr 1867 by James at George McClusky's, (min.ret.only).

McGLASSON, JAMES M. to MARTHA D. JESSE on 23 Oct 1849 by Janes, (min.rets.only).

McGLASSON, PLEASANT P. to TABITHAL L. JESSE on 22 Sept 1867 by Harvey at James McGlasson's, (min.ret.only).

McGLASSON, THOMAS A.. of Cumberland Co., 21, son of Tho. H. McGlasson by note, to FRANCES ANDERSON, 21, her father consented, no note found, on 8 Oct 1856, surety James W. Scott. (See A. McGlasson).

McKINNEY, CHARLES WESLEY to MARIETTA LEWIS, "her father consents" no note, on 12 Nov 1854, surety Daniel Lewis.

McKINNEY, FRANKLIN, born Adair Co. on 23 Sept 1816, single, to BIDDY ANN SPARKS, born in Adair Co. on 13 Sept 1832, single, married on 4 Sept 1852 by Janes, (min.rets.only).

McKINNEY, G. W. to MARY JANE DOWELL on 17 Sept 1844 by Wilson, (min.rets.only).

McKINNEY, GEORGE A., of Adair, 19, to MARY ANN McGLASSON, born in Missouri, 19, on 10 Oct 1861 by Harvey at James McGlasson's, (min.ret.only).

McKINNEY, JAMES, 26, born Adair, single, to SALLIE ANN LEWIS, 16, born Adair, single, on 11 Nov 1855, married at Daniel Lewis's.

MeKINNIE, JAMES W. to NANCY E. GRISSOM on 22 Oct 1867 by Harvey at Harriet Grissom's, (min.ret.only).

McKINNEY, WM., of Adair, 33, to LOUISA MORRISON, 20, of Adair, single, on 20 Jan 1859 by Armstrong, (min.ret.only).

McKINSEY, GEORGE W. to MARGARET ATKINS on 5 Feb 1866 by Cisney, (min.ret.only).

McKINSIE, JAMES A. to DICEY DOOLY on 6 Mar 1849 by J.Breeding, (min.rets.only).

McLEAN (See McClain) McLEAN, JOSEPH T. E., of Adair, 28, first mar, born Nashville, Tenn, father born N.Y., mother born Nashville, Tenn., a claim clerk, to SALLIE F. MURRELL, of Adair, 17, first mar, she and both parents born Adair, dau of S. H. Murrell, on 16 Feb 1869 by Alexander at Samuel Murrell's', surety Josiah Hunter.

McMILLIN, JOHN to MARTHA JANE LION on 25 May 1845 by Christie, (min.rets.only).

McNEELEY, CYRUS to ELIZABETH MOISOL(?) on 4 Mar 1847 by Wilson, (min.rets.only).

McNEELEY, JOHN to POLLY ANN ENGLAND on 9 Mar 1843 by J.Blair, (min.rets.only).

McPEAT, WM. to DELILER WOMACK on 7 Apr 1867 by James at John Womack's, (min.ret. only).

McPHERSEY (or McFeensey), JESSE, 21. born Adair, to MARY FRANCES DOOLEY, of Adair, 19, born Adair, single, on 28 Dec 1852 by Roach, (min.rets.only).

McWhorter, JAS. M., of Adair, 24, single, to SARAH C. HENDRICKSON, of Adair, 15, single, on 25 Jan 1859 by Knifley, (min.ret.only).

McWHORTER, LOGAN S. to NANCY JANE DAMRON, in Oct. 1864 by Knifley at Nancy Damron's, (min. ret. only)

McWHORTER, 0. C., 22, of Adair, born Casey Co., to MISS MARGARET B. MAYS, of Adair, single, on 12 Oct 1852 by Huston, (min.rets.only).

MEADER, DANIEL W. to MISS MARTHA BARBEE bond dated 8 July 1855, min. ret. says married on 31 Aug 1855 by Dempsey at Wm. W. Barbee's, surety Sinc.Wheat.

MEDARIS, COLBERT to MILLIE E. BRADSHAW on 15 Nov 1848 by Absher, (min.rets.only)

MELSON, JAMES J. to MARY A. HIGGENBOTTOM on 24 Dec 1857 by Simpson? at James Melson' s, surety William Shearer.

MELSON, PETER to CHARLOTTE TURNER on 24 Jan 1867 by Rippetoe at Mary Turner's, (min.ret.only).

MERCER ANDREW C. to MARY JANE TOWNSEND (not dated, circa 1845) by Sutherland, (min.rets.only).

MERGER, JAMES to HARRIET TUTT bond only, dated 26 Apr 1855, surety Henry C. Townsend.

MERCER, NATHAN S. to LUCY C. DOHONEY on 17 Nov 1864 by Nichols at Jas. Dohoney' s, (min.ret.only).

MERRADAY, THOMAS to SALLY ELDER, over 21, on 4 Jan 1841.


MERRITT, U. T. to NANCY T. TODD on 25 Sept 1862 by James, (min.ret.only).

MILLER, ADAM B. to EXONA MASON on 23 June 1843 by Simpson, (min.rets.only).

MILLER, COMADORE to EMILY ASHLAND on 3 Jan 1849 by Williams, (min.rets.only).

MILLER, GAITHER to DOROTHY A. OWENS, consent to Mrs. Owens's marriage given by R. M. Pittman, on 9 June 1841.

MILLER, JACOB to ANGELETTA SMITH on 24 Oct 1860 by Simpson, (min.ret.only).

MILLER, JOHN M., of Adair, 23, to SARAH A. WINFREY, of Adair, 22, on 10 Jan 1861 by Monroe, (min.ret.only).

MILLER, JOS. H?, of Adair, 25, single, to LOUISA F. ROBINSON, of Adair, 18, single, on 18 Oct 1860 by Read, (min.ret.only).

MILLER, JOSEPH S., of Adair, 22, born Adair, single, to SARAH ANN BRYANT, of Adair, 23, hnrn Adair, single, on 7 Dec 1852 by Absher, (min.ret.only).

MILLER, NOAH to ELISABETH WALKER on 1 Mar 1847 by Traylor, (min.ret.only).

MILLER, ROBERT to ELIZABETH E. SETTLE on 10 Apr 1850 by Boyce, (min.rets.only).

MILLER, SAMUEL to ELIZA F. CHATMAN on 1 Aug 1862 by Roy at Mahala Chatman's, (min.ret.only).

MILLER, SAMUEL L. to ELIZABETH W. RUBERTS, "her father consents's no note, on 25 Dec 1856 by Keys at Sam Ruberts', surety Wm. Ruberts.

MILLER, WALTER to MINERVA ANN LOVEALL, "her father present", bond only, dated 31 Mar 1854, surety Micajah Loveall.

Mills ——". . .between ABSALOM & DICEY MILLS" on 12 Nov 1842 by Janes, (min.rets.only). (See also the entry for Absalom Loveall).

MILLS, CALEB to JANE COATES on 7 Mar 1844 by J.Breeding, (min.rets.only).

MILLS, FLEMON and "wife" (Mary according to the 1850 Adair Co. census) married in October 1847 by Wilson, (min.rets.only).

MILLS, JACOB C., of Adair, 20, to AMANDA C. JONES, of Adair, 20, single, "their parents consent" no notes found, on 27 Aug 1857 by Davis at Jordan Jones' surety Sandy H. Jones.

MILLS, WILLIAM H. to ANN E. JONES on 21 Feb 1866 by Mills, (min.ret.only).

MITCHEL, ALEN, 29, to ELISABETH TUCKER, 34, on 11 Dec 1860 by Hill, (min.ret.only).

MITCHELL, JAMES P., of Adair, 21, born Barren Co., widower, to ELIZA JANE BRAGG, of Adair, 21, born Adair, single, bond dated 22 Oct 1853, min.ret.says married on 13 Oct 1853, by Wilson, surety Thomas M. Bragg.

MONDAY, CHRISTOPHER C., of Adair, 27, to MARY JANE HENDRICKSON, of Adair, 17, single, dau of Felix by note, bond dated 4 Oct 1857, min.ret.says married on 8 Nov 1857, by Knifley, surety Wm H. C. Monday.

MONDAY, ELI to FRANCIS VIGUS on 21 Apr 1869 by F.N.Taylor, (min.ret.only).

MONDAY, JAMES H., of Adair, 20, single, to JANETTE H. WHITE (Genetta in one record), of Adair, 17, single, dau of William by note, on 2 Dec 1858 by Knifley, surety James H. Evans.

MONDAY, SILAS W. to MARTHA E. C. WHITE on 20 Feb 1866 by Knifley at Washington

MONDAY, WILLIAM H. C., of Adair, 36, first mar, born Adair, father born NC, mother born Green Co., to MARGARET J. ALEXANDER, of Adair, 21, first mar, born Arkansas, father born Ky, mother born Alabama, on 25 May 1869 by Reed, surety 0. B. Patteson.

MONROE, DANIEL to VIRENDA F. FARUSSON bond only, dated 15 Oct 1856, surety John B. Monroe.

MONROE, PLEASANT S., of Adair, 23, first mar, born Taylor Co., both parents born Ky., to MARY JANE CAVE, of Adair, 25, first mar, born Adair, both parents born Ky., on 24 Dec 1868 by Absher at Widow Cave's, surety Wm. C. Pike.

MONTGOMERY, CHARLES A., of Adair, 26, first mar, born Adair, both parents born Va., to SIRENA E. ARNOLD, of Adair, 21, first mar, born Adair, father born Cumberland Co., mother born Adair, on 13 Jan 1869 by F.N.Taylor at Widow Arnold's, surety Volentine Bryant.

MONTGOMERY, CYRUS to ANN ELIZA MELISSA WILLIAMS on 20 Feb 1848 by Milam, (min. rets.only).

MONTGOMERY, F. Z. to RACHEL POWELL on 9 Oct 1851 by Absher, (min.rets.only).

MONTGOMERY, FRANCIS, born Adair, to MISS ELIZABETH H. SMITH, born Adair, single, on 25 Dec 1854, surety Robert T. Coffey.

MONTGOMERY, HENRY Q. to REBECCA A. WILSON on 9 Nov 1867 by F.N.Taylor at Rob't Wilson's, (min.ret.only).

MONTGOMERY, JAMES M. to MARTHA D. ROGERS on 11 Nov 1846 by Sutherland, (min.rets.only).

MONTGOMERY, JOEL A. to ADALINE GILL on 25 Dec 1845 by Sutherland, (min.rets.only).

MONTGOMERY, JOSEPH to DICY MILLER on 10 Mar 1866 by Absher at W. Miller's, (min. ret. only)

MONTGOMERY, JOS. S. to NANCY W. SUMMERS on 5 Jan 1843 by Simpson, (min.rets.only).

MONTGOMERY, ROBERT A., of Adair, single, to MARY F. HURT, of Adair, single, on 16 Mar 1862 by F.N.Taylor at Joel Hurt's, (min.ret.only).

MONTGOMERY, WILLIAM B. to LOUISA PAGE on 18 Mar 1846 by Wheat, (min.rets.only).

MONTGOMERY, WM. B., 31, born Adair, widower, to MARY S. MONTGOMERY, 29, born Adair, single, on 15 Oct 1852 by Absher, (min.rets.only).

MONTGOMERY, WM. F. to ELIZABETH A. ROGERS on 18 Jan 1845 by S.Murrell, (min.rets. only).

MOORE, ANDERSON, of Russell Co., 24, born Russell Co., single, to MISS ELIZA JANE BREEDING, of Adair, single, dau of Nancy M. Breeding by note, on 16 Oct 1855 by Absher, surety Wm. D. Breeding.

MOORE, B. J. to SARAH E. GRIDER on 27 Aug 1863 by F.N.Taylor at Win. Grider (min.ret.only).

MOORE, JAMES L., of Adair, 17, born Russell Co., (min.ret.calls him Samuel L.), to EMELINE SPARKS, of Adair, 19, born Adair, single, consent note signed by Jehu Sparks, on 20 Mar 1856 by Roach, surety Jeremiah H. Roach.

MOORE, JOEL to ELIZABETH SINGLETON on 15 Feb 1866 by Sexton, (min.ret.only).

MOORE, JOHN 5., 19, born Russell Co., son of William H. by note, to MARTHA ANN ROACH, 24, born Pulaski Co., dau of James A. by note, on 9 Aug 1855 by Roach, surety Nimrod Barnes.

MOORE, JOHN W. to MARY ANN BRYANT, of Adair, on 23 Dec 1863 by Absher, (min.ret. only).

MOORE, WILLIAM to MARY MANN on 20 June 1847 by J.Breeding, (min.rets.only).

MORE, WM. JEFFERSON to SARAH JANE ORR on 1 Aug 1859 by W.Blair, (min.ret.only).

MOORE, WILLIAM T., 20, born Adair, to ANN MOORE, 19, born Adair, on 2 Jan 1854 by Sweeney, (min.rets.only).

MORGAN, ELZY to LOU (Luisa in one record) DAVIS on 22 Mar 1846 by W.Blair, (min. rets.only).

MORGAN, ISAAC to MARY E. CAPE on 30 Dec 1862 by W.Blair, (min.ret.only).

MORGAN, JACOB to ANN REBECCA RODGERS on 28 Dec 1867 by Monroe, (min.ret.only).

MORGAN, NATHANIEL to JANE BRISTO on 21 Dec 1848 by Simpson, (min.rets.only).

MORGAN, REECE to MARY ANN KEETON on 23 Aug 1867 by Simpson at A.G.Morgan's, (min. ret. only)

MORGAN, ROBERT C., of Adair, 33, first mar, dentist, born Cumberland Co., father born Cumberland Co., mother born Adair Co., to MOLLIE E. WALLACE, of Adair, 19, first mar, born Adair, father born US, mother born Adair, "her father present", bond only, dated 6 Oct 1868, surety Thos. H. Frazer.

MORRIS, A. C. to MISS CATHARINE HOLLIDAY, dau of James, bond only, dated 23 Mar 1854, surety John H. Bledsoe.

MORRIS, BERRY to N. J. HOLLADAY on 10 July 1851 by Peak, (min.rets.only).

MORRIS, JAMES to EMERLINE GILL on 19 June 1845 by Sutherland, (min.rets.only).

MORRIS, JOSEPH A. to REBECCA E. GRANT on 13 Oct 1864 by Absher at Benj. Grant's, (min.ret.only).

MORRIS, W. E. to HARRIET ANN YOUNG on 27 Nov 1866 by James at George Young's, (min.ret.only).

MORRISON, BENJAM. F. to FILLIS HINDMAN on 17 Oct 1866 by Wilson at Polly Hindman's, (min.ret.only).

MORRISON, GEORGE E. to JULIA ANN MORRISON on 6 Mar 1851 by W. Blair, (min.rets.only)

MORRISON, GEORGE E. to MARTHA JANE CAPE on 16 Mar 1865 by Simpson at Widow Cape's, (min.ret.only).

MORRISON, JOSEPH J. to ELIZABETH FRANCES STONE on 23 Oct 1846 by Simpson, (min. ret. only)

MORRISON, JAMES R., of Adair, 34, to FRANCIS N. BUTLER, of Adair, 19, single, on 23 June 1859 by Walls, (min.ret.only).

MORRISON, OLIVER C. to AMANDA M. ROBERTSON on 4 June 1841 (Mrs. Burdette showed the date in her records as 19 June).

MORRISON, THOMAS J. to SARAH ANN TURKE on 7 Jan 1862 by Walls, (min.ret.only).

MORRISON, WM. B., 41, to RACHEL FIRKIN, 23, on 3 Feb 1861 by J.Breeding, (min. ret. only)

MORRISON, WILLIAM L. to NANCY B. WHEAT on 27 Sept 1842 by J.Breeding, (min.rets. only).

MOSBY, CORNELIUS to SUSANA LACEY on 13 Apr 1847 by Traylor, (min.rets.only).

MOSBY, JESSE to MARY RHODES on 20 Apr 1848 by J.Blair, (min.rets.only).

MOSBY, SAMUEL to MARY L. (I?) ARNOLD on 6 Nov 1849 by J.Breeding, (min.rets.only).

MOSBY, WADE, of Adair, 26, born Adair, to MISS ANNE E. NELL, of Adair, 16, born Adair, single, on 3 Apr 1853 by Moore, surety James Nell.

MOSBY, WILLIAM M. to SARANAH BERRY on 10 Oct 1844 by W.Taylor, (min.rets.only).

MOSS, JOHN W. to JANE PARSONS on 10 Nov 1859 by Keene, (min.ret.only).

MOSS, JOSIAH G. to MARY ANN CRAVENS on 24 Oct 1847 by Noble, (min.rets.only).

MOSS, P. A. to MARY R. PICKET_ on 17 Nov 1859 by Keene, (min.ret.only).

MOSS, THOMAS G. to ELIZABETH H. PICKETT on 17 Jan 1866 by Nichols, (min.ret.only).

MOSS, WILLIAM R., of Adair, 26, born Adair, single, to ARDENA COFFEY, of Adair, 18, born Adair, single, on 30 Dec 1855 by Leftwich, surety Zidney Coffey.

MOTON, LOUIS to NANCY J. COLEMAN on 26 Sept 1844 by Janes, (min.rets.only).

MOUNCE, HENRY, of Adair, 19, first mar, he and both parents born Pulaski Co., his guardian, Jesse Coomer consents, to POLLY ANN COOMER, of Adair, 15, first mar, born Pulaski Co.,father born Va., mother born Pulaski Co., dau of Jesse, on 7 Nov l869 by Johnson, surety L. A. Cox.

MOURNING, JOHN D. to MARTHA CALISON on 5 Mar 1847 by Noble, (min.rets.only).

MOURNING, W. B. to M. J. SPARKS on 7 Nov 1861 by McKee, (min.ret.only).

MULLENS, WILLIAM, of Adair, to EMALINE HARVEY, of Adair, on 3 Apr 1863 by Patton (min.ret.only).

MURRAH, CARLISLE H. (one record shows surname as Murral) to MALINDA CAROLINE VIGUS on 16 May 1857 by Crenshaw, surety James W. Atkins.

MURRAH, SIDNEY to SARAH ANN SPARKS on 8 Feb 1846 by Noble, (min.rets.only).

MURRAY, JAMES P., 28, born Adair, single, to MISS ELIZABETH TODD, born Adair, dau of Win. Todd, on 25 Mar 1853 by Sweeney, surety Sinclair Wheat.

MURRAY, THOS. W., 45, to CAROLINE CABBELL, 24, on 17 Oct 1858, surety William McGinnis, married by Keys.