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If I call you Friend

By Stacey Lynn

Friends to some are easily found,

An abundance of them all around.

But to some  friends are seldom and few.

You know who you are I am talking to you.

We search though the passage of time,

But true friends are hard to find.

To me a friend is true and kind,

Always there with an open mind.

Lending a shoulder when you are blue,

ALways willing to pitch in and help out

You can count on them without a doubt.

I have but few friends you see,

I expect them to uphold the same qualities.

If I call you friend, It's with great pride,

To have someone like you by my side!

This page is a tribute to my friends but... most of all to my very dearest friend,,,,Mary ....Love ya sis

Also a very special thanks to Nutzo for being kind and patient with me teaching me to paint and walking me through some of this Shit. But most of all for loving me inside and out and showing me life can be wonderful.... and that True love does EXIST!!!! Through the haze it may seem like it was a dream,, but for a moment in time however brief,, it was real..

Thank you for the memories.. , no one , in my eyes can outshine you Bob,....... All My Love, As Always.....Lexy....01/22/2003


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All Graphics, pages, animations,wavs and poems are done by Lexy.

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