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it is now time for you to learn

What a Lady is really Like

Greetings and welcome to my website.
I pray that you are in the best of health, and you have many blessings bestowed upon you.
This site give a better understanding about me, my family and friends, my sorority and our brothers.
So, don't just look at the pictures.  Make sure you get some knowledge.
If you have any questions or comments, feel free to email me or sign my guestbook.

Love Always,
Ms. Mickeyta b.k.a Lady Like #3

The Lady Named Mickeyta...
The closest to my heart...
Friends of Mine
Genuine Sophisticated Sexy ladies...
NINEchalant, Fall 1997...
Men of the Rising Sun
What are they doing?
My favorite links

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This has been another lil secret production.....Shhh!
last updated on 5/23/00