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This is Cloud from Final Fantasy 7 who has been seperated from his friends who used to dwell in the Hollow Bastion. At first he works with Hades, but after you fight him he's an ok guy! :)

This is Sora, a 14 year old island boy, who is the Keyblade Master. He is destined to close the keyhole to all the worlds, and then the one to ultimate darkness. He gets lost from his orginial home and goes in search for his friends Kairi and Riku in all the worlds, also fulfilling his destiny.

This is Kairi, Sora is kind of in love with her! She is secretly a Princess of Heart, which opens the doorway to the ultimate Keyhole of Darkness. Most of the game she doesn't have her heart, until Sora finds out her heart is in him! :)

Riku....He's kinda evil throughout, until the very end and at the very beginning. Anyways...HE's HOTTT!!! *siiizzllee*

This is what they call a Heartless..there are all kinds, this one is a Jungle Heartless.

Sephy from FF7 wooo hooo! You get to fight him in the Olympia Arena!

This is Sephiroth..fighting you! BEAT HIS ASS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!