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Hello everyone! This is dedicated to all my friends who love FinalFantasy! :) And to all my friends in NeoSeeker: HEY! Enjoy the pictures :)

This is Squall, the Hero of Final Fantasy VIII (8). Personally...I think he's hot ;)

This is Rinoa another hero in my own opinion. She breaks through Squalls lone wolf barrier and...well play it and see!

The vile, evil!..Seifer!! He used to be an okay, he even went out with Rinoa..but then the Sorceress Edea bit him with the power bug and he wants to kill them all! Especially Squall! *sniff*

Zell aka 'Chicken Wuss' (Seifer, SEED Test)

My favorite scene/picture. *Sighs dreamily*

My other favorite picture..same scene....*Sighs* Soooooo romantic!

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