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Adventures With Horses Rule's page

Most of these rules aren't that difficult and if you have any questions about them let one of the AWH managers know and it will be taken up.



Horses can start showing at age 2.  However, they must be trained in the event you plan to show them in.  To have your horses trained you need to take them to the Trainers.  There, you can look at a list of people who offer training in a variety of events.  Each will have their own price range so you may want to shop around a bit.  If you do not see an event you would like to train your horses in you may become a trainer yourself. A horse cannot compete in an event it has not been trained in.  If it does occur, and one of us sees this, you will receive a disaster!  Some events, such as Long Distance Racing and Gymkhana can often cause problems to the bones of young horses. It  is not recommended to show horses younger than 3 in those events. If you choose to you run the slight risk of getting a disaster. Most times there will not be any effect but if there is it would be minor. You can only ride/show 6 horses per class/event. We realize that is unrealistic, but to make the game work we are using this. To see the newest shows in AWH you will need to go to the "Shows" message board. 


Once your horse has a certain number of points, they will have to enter in different levels for that event (only in the event it has the points in). Here is the chart:


Level One is for horses with 25 points or less in an event.

Level 2 is for horses with 26-50 points in one event.

Level 3 is for horses with 51-99 points in one event.

Level 4 is for horses with 100-199 points in one event.

Level 5 is for horses with 200-399 points in one event.

Level 6 is for horses with 400-599 points in one event.

Level 7 is for horses with 600-799 points in one event.

Level 8 is for horses with 800-999 points in one event.

Level 9 is for horses with 1,000 or more points in one event.




Mares can start breeding at age 4 and stallions at age 2. However, as simple as this seems there are complex parts parts as well. A colt or filly always has to be 2 years younger than it's sire AND 4 years younger than it's dam. The foals of these two horses not be the same age unless they are twins.  A mare can breed after the age of 14, however some horses do not handle this well and dissterous results can come about. So in breeding your mares after 14 use extereme care.  To breed your horse go to the Vet.



Since there are infinite numbers of polo teams in the world the same goes for this game. All members can be a part of no more than one polo team. However, you can change which team you are on at any time. Just let the Polo Association Director know so she can update the records. A team can consist of 3-6 horses and riders. All teams must have polo mallets and balls. These are available at the store. All polo teams must be registered with the Polo Association(on the buissiness page)


Photograph Rules: 

We encourage you to find pictures for your horses as it makes the game seem more realistic.  There are restrictions, however.  To use a photograph you will need the owners' permission.  If you do not receive it and you use the photo you are liable to being sued for a large sum of money, in REAL LIFE! Two different horses may not have the same photograph!  Whoever had the photo first will be entitled to keep using it and the other person will need to find a new one.  .  *NEW*  Photographs must resemble the breed of horse they represent. Most pictures may be used as long as the difference in the picture and the horse they should be representing is not drastic(ie. Shires look nothing like an arabian so don't bother using arabian pictures for shire horses). If there are any concerns on the likeness of the pictures to the breed email us the breed and the picture url so we cna tell you if they work. There is also a limit to how many pictures you may use. Only so many pictures are avalible for use of a certain color and many picture owners won't let you use their photos. So, to make the game run smoother the limit is THREE pictures for each horse. Special situations may be emailed to the mangers( for review.



In the game you will start out with $500,000. To see how you are doing with your money go to the Bank, and look for the bank codename you joined with.  You must then take your horses to the Vet/Ferrier and get them boarded. In order to have a horse you must have a job or run a business. So, you may post on the message board if you are looking for a job or ask your stable if they need your help. If you are finding that you can't find a job within a week, email one of the AWH Managers( and we will try to help you out. Starting a business of your own is also a good idea to make money.



If you email one of us and tell us that you are out of money we will declare you are bankrupt. Then one of two things will happen. Either your horses and property will be sold at an auction two weeks after you declaring bankruptcy, only if you are in debt of 1,000,000 or more. Or, we will appraise everything you have and then you can decide what you would like to sell in order to pay off your debt. You may also go to the bank and apply for a loan if you would like. However this money must be repayed back to bank in the given time(declared by the bank) and you must have collateral in order to apply. This may be a stable or other money worth possesion.



In the same way real horses earn points, our SIM horses earn points too. The scale for basic shows and polo matches are below:

1st Place= 10 points

2nd Place= 8 points

3rd Place= 6 points

4th Place= 4 points

5th Place= 2 points

6th Place= 1 points



Wining Team= 20 points per horse on the team(only one team recieves these points)



For each amount of points your horses have they can earn titles, when your horses gain certain amounts of points they lose one title and gain another of higher status:

CH(Champion)= 100-199 points

GCH(Grand Champion)=200-299 points

SCH(State Champion)=300-399 points

RCH(Regional Champion)=400-499 points

NCH(National Champion)=500-599 points

CCH(Continental Champion)=600-699 points

WCH(World Champion)=700-799

TLH(Top Level Horse)=800-899



Horses may continues to show after 1,000 points but they will not receive a title.  Once a horse reaches 2,000 points it must be retired.



Your horses get points for their foals too!

PS= A stallion that has over 9 foals-points do not matter

OS= A Stallion that has 2 foals with over 99 points each

PD= A Mare that has over 4 foals-points do not matter)

OD= A Mare that has 2 foals with over 99 points each



Holding a show is relatively simple. However, there are also some restrictions on this too. First off, a fee may be charged, 100-200 dollars per entry is common. Points will be awarded with ribbons or not. If you charge a fee, you do not have to buy ribbons, but you must state that no ribbons will be awarded. Second, you must have a place to hold the show, with proper room.   An area of one acre is not going to keep a hundred horses and riders comfortable. You may ask the stable you board at to use their room or you may hold the show at your own stable. Thirdly, if you are having any show you will take more than one day to complete, public boarding for the show may be needed.


Importing/Exporting Horses

Importing of horses is not allowed except from AWH1. In order to do that please email a manger apon joining and let us know the records of the horse(s) you wish to import. Exporting of horses is allowed however there are some things you must know. You may take your horses with you, however, your horses will also remain here. Sorry for the inconvenience but it is just not possible for a horse to just disappear.



Businesses can be viewed by using the "Businesses" button.  This is another way to make money may be to take over someone's old business or see if a business needs an assistant. You may also create your own business, just let one of us know! We do not require usernames and passwords before opening a business. However, if you are running a main shop (ie. Bedding, Store, Tack) we do require that you do not change the password or email we give you on the site.


Lost/Stolen Horses:

Lost and stolen are very different. Sometimes one of us may make a mistake in transferring a horse and put him/her on the wrong page. If we do so please notify us. If your horse is lost, this may be a disaster, post a message on the message board saying that your horse is lost, a brief description and a reward if desired. Stolen horses shouldn't be common but if for some reason it happens, please notify, the AWH Managers immediately! If you find a lost horse, because of someone's poor care, you post on the message board that you have found that horse. The owner then has one week(7 days) to respond and reclaim the horse. If the owner replies anytime after that or doesn't reply at all, the horse is yours and you may do what you like.



You may start a Stable in AWH at any time! However, we may restrict the number of stables in AWH if we have too many barns and not enough people and all barns must meet a certain standard, located on the stable page.



Disasters may strike every now and then in AWH. If your horses don't have tack, or need to be taken to the vet or Ferrier you may get a disaster. The better care you take of your horses the fewer disasters you may get, or the more minor ones (i.e. your lead rope breaks, go buy a new one!). Insurance is a good thing if you feel that you might have your horse in some potential danger, like polo, anytime. However, insurance is not required, just helpful.


Changing Of These Rules Occurs:

-If anyone has a new rule to suggest or something to comment on please feel free to email us at and we will take into consideration what you have said. If we like it then we will post it on the message board to be voted apon. If we do not recieve at least 70% of the member's vote on the rules we won't change anything. Please don't feel that you will be lowering standards by us if you express your opinion. This is just our way of making sure that everyone is active and the game is up to everyone's ideals

Visits (list of how often to take your horse to the vet ect.)