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3. The Car Ride

There are actually three parts about car rides that gave us problems: The Child Safety Seat, Going Backwards, and The Trip. My son did not like to sit in child safety seats. He screamed, he howled, and he kicked the entire time he was is a car seat. By the time he was a year old, he had earned the nickname "Houdini" because he could unlatch every car seat buckle known to man.

Backing the car out of the driveway was a nightmare. When he was an infant, we lived in a small house without a driveway, so we always parked on the curb and never thought anything of it. Then when he was two years old, we moved to a house with a driveway and a nice carport. Many times, we never even made it out of the driveway with Christopher, because he would not tolerate that car going backwards.

When we went on short trips to the store or post office, we had to go the exact same way every time, or he would go into a screaming fit about that. My husband and I learned to take turns going places... one of us would stay home with the children, while the other would go out and do the shopping. This was not a good solution, but it was the only one we could come up with until we learned how to use Social Stories.

I have learned to use Social Stories with pictures that I draw or cut out of childrens magazines and books to explain to him where we are going and how we are going to get there. Finding ways to communicate with him has been the key to nearly everything that we do to reduce tantrum behaviors.

Web Page Author: Janet Lawrence
Snail Mail: 878 Osborne Road, Hazel, KY 42049
Updated: 8/9/98
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