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Here's to the kids who are different,
The kids who don't always get A's,
The kids who have ears twice the size of their peers,
And noses that go on for days.....

Here's to the kids who are different,
The kids they call crazy or dumb,
The kids who don't fit, with the guts and the grit,
Who dance to a different drum.....

Here's to the kids who are different,
The kids with the mischievous streak,
For when they have grown, as history's shown,
It's their difference that makes them unique.

written by Digby Wolfe


Blessed is the child whose teacher loves him,
for he will know boundaries.

Blessed is the child whose teacher listens to him,
for they will communicate.

Blessed is the child whose teacher plans
for him and with him,
for his needs will come closer to being met.

Blessed is the child whose teacher helps him feel secure,
for he will be free to learn.

Blessed is the child whose teacher helps him achieve,
for he will develop a good concept of himself.

Blessed is the child whose teacher lets him work independently,
for he will grow.

Blessed is the child whose teacher does not compare him to others,
for he will grow as an individual.

Blessed is the child whose teacher accepts him as he is,
for he will not have to learn to be a hypocrite.

Blessed is the child whose teacher approves him as a person,
for that child will become his teacher’s disciple.
- Author Unknown

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Web Page Author: Janet Lawrence
Updated: 11/17/99
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