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Welcome to the first of my CREATIVE pages.
These pages will include...
Personal Poetry;
Song Lyrics;
Personal Quotes;
And Misc.
All material is copyrighted.
I am glad to share my materials with everyone for non-commercial use. Please e-mail me (link at bottom of page) for permission to use for any other purpose(s).


By Crystal A. Murray---© 1998

Each petal perfectly formed
In the shape of a heart,
With a feel of silk and velvet.
What a creation is G-d's beautiful flower...
The rose.

Its scent so pure and sweet,
So smoothly it unfolds,
Revealing at its heart
The seed that makes it grow.

No matter the color,
No matter the size;
Whether a bud or full bloom.
No matter the differences in perfume,
No matter the thorns that pierce the flesh,
Still, everyone loves the rose.

G-d must look upon this precious creation,
This wonder of beauties.
He must breathe in with its scent
And sigh contentedly.

"Such a great accomplishment."
"It is good!" He says
"And yet," He says with another sigh,
"This is not my best work.
I know I can do better."

So, did He create a new rose?
With no thorns?
A stronger scent?
Did He create a never-dying flower?

In His greatest moment of creation
He simply grabbed...
A handful of dust
And began to mold it.

Suddenly, He caught a glimpse of Himself;
A mirror image.
He molded His new creation
To resemble His own image.
He breathed into it
His own breath.

And behold...
G-d's greatest creation of all time was born!
"It is VERY GOOD!" He said, and He rested.

This beautiful story of an Artists creation can be found in the Holy Bible in the first chapter of the book of Genesis (or the 1st book, also called the Book of Beginnings.) This is not my usual style for poetry, but this poem truly came from the Heart of G-d Himself...He only used my hands to print it. CAM

Here is a poem that I wrote way back when I was about 16 years old, in a creative writing class, while I lived in a home for girls who had troubles, but not yet with the law. It kind of sums up how I felt about life at that time, but thank the L-rd Yah-shua (Hebrew for Jesus), NOT how I feel anymore. It's undergone a few minor word changes thru the years, but still says the same message...


© 1980 Crystal A. Probst (Murray)

Must I be heading toward someplace?
Does life have to be such a rapid race?
Will I ever stop, or turn around?
Why am I always on the ground?

I feel pushed and pulled away,
In a world of tomorrows and yesterday's.
My only way, to go forward and straight,
And heading down, my only fate.

If only I could learn to fly,
Away I'd go and say Good-Bye.
I'd go as far as is far,
I'd perch myself upon the highest star.

I'd stay there only a moment or two,
And then you know what I would do?
I'd leap as far as I could go,
And where I'd stop, not even I would know.

I'd become star-lost, a hopeless case,
I'd never leave this open space.
And now you need no more information,
Just know I'll go on Without Destination.

This next poem was written in about 5 minutes, in the middle of my prayer time. For so many years I have not truly felt like a child of G-d Almighty because of the difference between Christians & Jews. When I realized that YaH-shua WAS A JEW, and that those He grafted into the "Root of Jesse" were grafted into a Hebrew (Jewish) root, I suddenly understood that I truly was a daughter of The Most High & an heir to His promise through the blood of The Lamb. This poem helps express that Hebrew Root & Vine.


© 1999 By Crystal A. Murray

If Yah-shua had come teaching
All the things we teach these days;
If He came not as a Rabbi,
But taught modern "Christian" ways;

If He said, "Stop being Jewish
For their laws & feasts are old;
Just form a church on Sundays
And give the pastor all your gold."

If He taught multi-religions,
And many-faceted beliefs & ways
Religious & sin tolerance:
No judgment, no prices to pay;

If He taught that love means acceptance
No matter what other people do,
Would ANYone have believed in Him
As Messiah, King of the Jews?

See, it's not the miracles He did,
Or the hungry that He fed.
Or His interpretation of the Scriptures,
Or any fancy words He said,

It's the old, anointed, prophecies,
The promises of a virgin-born Son,
That proved He was THE Messiah,
Lion of Judah, and The Holy One.

'Cause He could not have grafted any one;
Into a vine of Love, pure and true,
If He, Himself, was not The Vine,
The Lamb, Son of YaH-VeH, and a JEW!

If you liked these poems, or want to contact me about any of them, you may

(Page updated 01/12/00)