Young Active Citizens with JCI SEREMBAN cum Community Health and Caring Day - 9 August 2009 at Seremban Parade, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia


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Young Active Citizens with JCI SEREMBAN cum Community Health and Caring Day ORGANIZING COMMITTEE:

President JCI Seremban: JC Tan Boon Hing

Exec. Vice President : JC Raymond Chan

Organizing Chairman : JC Angeline Chang

Deputy Chairman : JC Ken Choo

Secretary : JC Jacie Low

Treasurer : JC Alex Tan

Exhibition & Blood Donation Venue: JC David Lee,JC Ken Chin

Stage : JC Soo Man Soon, JC Anthony Chin

E & E and PA : JC Alan Wong, JC Ken Choo

Media : JC Vincent Chew

Programme & Protocol : JC Vincent Chew

PR : JC Soon Boon Kit, JC Vincent Chew, JC Jacie Low

Program : JC Raymond Chan

Committee Members:JC N. Parry, JC Pauline Tan, JC Daimy Lee, JC Elnest Yong, JC Danny Nyon

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Links to other pages and Web sites

Seremban Jaycee Home Page
JCI SEREMBAN Installation Dinner 2009
JCI SEREMBAN Community Health Awareness Day and Blood Donation 2008
Visit of JCI VP 2009 to JCI SEREMBAN, Malaysia
Junior Chamber International (JCI)
JCI Senator Francis Yeow's Personal Home Page