2004 Preseason Basketball Showcase Scrimmage

Below is the lineup for the 3rd annual preseason Fairdale/High Potential Hooparama Showcase on November 20, 2004 (Saturday) at Fairdale High School in Louisville, KY. Below are the highlights for the event:

(Underlined team is the home team)
9AM  Louisville Moore (KY) vs Louisville Iroquois (KY)
11AM  Carrollton Carroll Co. (KY) vs Covington Holmes (KY)
1PM  Henderson Henderson Co. (KY) vs Louisville Sacred Heart (KY)
3PM  Louisville Central (KY) vs Louisville Christian Academy (KY)
5PM  Shelbyville Shelby Co. (KY) vs Fairdale (KY)
7PM  Mt. Washington Bullitt East (KY) vs Harrodsburg Mercer Co. (KY)
(Note: All game times are Eastern Standard Time)

Event organizers:
Larry Bruner-Head Girls Coach at Fairdale (502) 594-4005
Rick Bolus-High Potential Basketball Recruiting Service (502) 543-7308

Please check back for updates.  Team previews and game coverage of this event will appear on this website https://www.angelfire.com/ky/prephoops.